Of course no history management (pull requests or otherwise) replaces proper tagging of versions (which you preferably automate with the same tool/script that deploys/packages a version), so you can always fast-switch to whatever your users happen to be on at a given moment. Tagging is also the key to solve your original problem: if you establish that any branch merged to the "work" branches can and should be deleted, and that any one that is merged to a version tag, "production", etc. should not, you'll always have the hotfixes alive until they are integrated in a future version.
上面已经描述了常用的git分支删除方法,它们可以正常工作。git没有一个或两个单词的命令,意思是“嘿,git,删除本地和远程分支”。但是这种行为可以通过shell脚本来模仿。以Zach Holman的shell脚本“git-nuke”为例。这很简单:
git branch -D $1
git push origin :$1
把它放在一个可执行文件(例如git-nuke)中,放在你的$PATH目录中。如果您不在2011_Hotfix分支上,那么只需运行git-nuke 2011_Hotfix即可删除本地和远程分支。这比标准的git命令更快更简单——尽管可能更危险。
I have one more word to add that is perhaps beyond the scope of your question, but is relevant nonetheless. Let's imagine that there are 20 tiny, "work-in-progress" commits on 2011_Hotfix; however, you want only one complete commit for 2011_Hotfix to be added to master's history. How do you combine all 20 small commits into one big commit? Fortunately, git allows you to consolidate multiple commits into one commit by using git-rebase. I won't explain here how that works; though, if you're interested, the documentation for git-rebase is excellent. Do note that git rebase rewrites history, so it should be used judiciously, especially if you are new to it. Finally, your 2011_Hotfix scenario is about a dev team, not a solo dev. If project team members use git rebase, it is wise for the team to have explicit guidelines on the use of git rebase in order that some cowboy dev on the team doesn't unwittingly damage a project's git's history.