



2021年1月:GitHub企业版现在可以实现(所以:github.com还没有)。 看到的:


GitHub Pages now gives you the option to limit access, making the site visible only to users with access to the repository that published the Page. With access control, you can use GitHub Pages to publish and share internal documentation and knowledge across your enterprise. As part of this release, we are introducing the following capabilities: Repo admins can select whether GitHub Pages sites are publicly visible or limited to users who have access to the repository. Both private and internal repositories support private visibility. With an internal repository, everyone in your enterprise will be able to view the Page with the same credentials they use to login to github.com Org admins can configure the visibility options that members will be able to select for their Page. For example, you can enforce that your members can only publish content privately. This feature is generally available today on GitHub Enterprise Cloud. To enable access control on Pages, navigate to your repository settings, and click the dropdown menu to toggle between public and private visibility for your site.



我最终创建了一个服务https://www.privatehub.cloud它基本上是一个简单的代理服务器与Github OAuth身份验证,所以它只是返回您的Github存储库内容与适当的MIME类型。按照设计,只有有权访问foo的人才能在https://bar-foo.privatehub.cloud上看到foo的内容。从功能的角度来看,你可以把它看作是一个简化的带有内置身份验证的GitHub页面。

不幸的是,Github OAuth不允许请求对私有回购的只读访问,因此服务器需要完全访问(显然,它不会向你的回购写入任何内容)。由于GitHub API只允许检索1mb以下的文件,该服务不能返回更大的文件。然而,我发现这项服务非常适合小型项目,比如内部文档或网站的分期版本。










2021年1月:GitHub企业版现在可以实现(所以:github.com还没有)。 看到的:


GitHub Pages now gives you the option to limit access, making the site visible only to users with access to the repository that published the Page. With access control, you can use GitHub Pages to publish and share internal documentation and knowledge across your enterprise. As part of this release, we are introducing the following capabilities: Repo admins can select whether GitHub Pages sites are publicly visible or limited to users who have access to the repository. Both private and internal repositories support private visibility. With an internal repository, everyone in your enterprise will be able to view the Page with the same credentials they use to login to github.com Org admins can configure the visibility options that members will be able to select for their Page. For example, you can enforce that your members can only publish content privately. This feature is generally available today on GitHub Enterprise Cloud. To enable access control on Pages, navigate to your repository settings, and click the dropdown menu to toggle between public and private visibility for your site.