


切换到实验分支(git校验实验) 做一些改变 提交(git Commit -a) 切换到主分支(git checkout master) 做一些修改并提交 切换回实验性(git checkout experimental) 合并主机更改为实验性(git合并主机) 有一些冲突,但在我解决后,我做了'git add myfile' 现在我被困住了,我不能回到主人那里


 $ git checkout master
error: Entry 'res/layout/my_item.xml' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.


$ git rebase --abort



$  git add res/layout/socialhub_list_item.xml
$ git checkout master
error: Entry 'res/layout/my_item.xml' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.





<<<<<<< HEAD
conflicted text from HEAD
conflicted text from merging_branch
>>>>>>> merging_branch

当你修复了冲突文件并准备合并时,你所要做的就是运行git add和git commit来生成合并提交。一旦提交完成,git就会将更改推送到分支。

引用文章:Git merge。



git reset --hard



第一次“签出”到你想从另一个分支合并的分支 分支(BRANCH_NAME_TO_BE_MERGED)

"git checkout "MAIN_BRANCH"


“git merge origin/BRANCH_NAME_TO_BE_MERGED”

Auto-merging src/file1.py
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/file1.py
Auto-merging src/services/docker/filexyz.py
Auto-merging src/cache.py
Auto-merging src/props.py
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/props.py
Auto-merging src/app.py
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/app.py
Auto-merging file3
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file3
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.


运行"git status" =>它会显示你需要添加的文件(你已经解决了):

 Unmerged paths:
      (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

        both modified:   file3
        both modified:   src/app.py
        both modified:   src/props.py
        both modified:   src/utils/file1.py


git add file3
git add src/app.py
git add src/props.py
git add src/utils/file1.py

“git提交” (当你要提交的时候添加一些消息,如果没有,它会打开vi或vim编辑器,你需要按“esc:q!”然后按“enter”) 再次运行"git status"

 On branch MAIN_BRANCH
  Your branch is ahead of 'origin/MAIN_BRANCH' by 10 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

7.git push”




-> git stash应用存储@{0}



当你做$ git合并时,实际发生的事情是git试图快进你的当前分支到被引用的分支所在的提交(换句话说,两个分支名称都指向同一个提交)。这个场景对于git来说是最容易处理的,因为没有新的提交。想象一下主人跳上你的树枝上的百合花。可以设置——no-ff标志,在这种情况下,无论是否有任何代码冲突,git都会创建一个新的提交。

In a situation where there are code conflicts between the two branches you are trying to merge (usually two branches whose commit history share a common commit in the past), the fast forward won't work. git may still be able to automatically merge the files, so long as the same line wasn't changed by both branches in a conflicting file. in this case, git will merge the conflicting files for you AND automatically commit them. You can preview how git did by doing $ git diff --cached. Or you can pass the --no-commit flag to the merge command, which will leave modified files in your index you'll need to add and commit. But you can $ git diff these files to review what the merge will change.

The third scenario is when there are conflicts git can't automatically resolve. In this case you'll need to manually merge them. In my opinion this is easiest to do with a merge took, like araxis merge or p4merge (free). Either way, you have to do each file one by one. If the merge ever seems to be stuck, use $ git merge --continue, to nudge it along. Git should tell you if it can't continue, and if so why not. If you feel you loused up the merge at some point, you can do $ git merge --abort, and any merging will undo and you can start over. When you're done, each file you merged will be a modified file that needs to be added and committed. You can verify where the files are with $ git status. If you haven't committed the merged files yet. You need to do that to complete the merge. You have to complete the merge or abort the merge before you can switch branches.



<<<<<<< HEAD
conflicted text from HEAD
conflicted text from merging_branch
>>>>>>> merging_branch

当你修复了冲突文件并准备合并时,你所要做的就是运行git add和git commit来生成合并提交。一旦提交完成,git就会将更改推送到分支。

引用文章:Git merge。