Android Studio中的AVD管理器不显示我的设备,但adb设备显示它。我是不是遗漏了什么明显的东西?
点击这里: 下载驱动程序 重新安装它
我最近安装了Windows 10(不是升级,是一个干净的安装),我忘记了ADB USB驱动程序
I recently had trouble with this, and regardless of what I did(restart adb, edit adb_usb.ini, restart computer+device+swap usb port, reinstall studio etc. etc.) I just couldnt get it to work, and could not even detect my device using 'adb devices'. Finally after about 2 hours of googling and testing, someone suggested switching to PTP instead of MTP on my device. When I did this I got a popup on my device asking me to allow my mac access and suddenly everything worked(had to restart studio for it to show up there as well though).
由于驱动程序无法加载,我无法在windows 7上连接到我的设备。我遵循以下步骤:
从Intel网站下载Android USB驱动程序 安装驱动程序并重新启动系统 连接你的设备,它工作了
进入sdk工具安装路径,在\sdk\platform-tools文件夹下运行以下命令: 亚洲开发银行设备
C:\android\sdk\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
081e96500591f039 device
Try these commands: adb kill-server adb start-server Make sure your phone has Developer Options in Settings (if not, go to Settings, About phone (or device), click on Android Version multiple times until you see a message). Make sure USB debugging on your phone is enabled (go to Developer Options in Settings and turn it on) Make sure you have Select USB Configuration set to MTP (this is also in Developer Options). Make sure you can see your files in your device in Windows Explorer when you connect via USB. Make sure you have the driver for your device properly installed (most of the time, this happens when you first plug in your USB cable). In Windows, right click on Computer, and go to Device Manager, check if you have Android Device right on the root folder and under it should be Android Composite ADB Interface. If you don't have this, you have to download the Google USB Driver. Get it here:
在设备管理器中,找到您的设备(应该有黄色感叹号),右键单击,并更新驱动程序(打开带有您刚刚下载的驱动程序的文件夹) 如果这不起作用,尝试重新启动Android Studio或重新插入设备。
切换到PTP USP选项而不是MTP是解决方案。
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