我有一个关于原生数组的问题。JavaScript的每一个实现都是异步的吗? 例如,如果我调用:
[many many elements].forEach(function () {lots of work to do})
我有一个关于原生数组的问题。JavaScript的每一个实现都是异步的吗? 例如,如果我调用:
[many many elements].forEach(function () {lots of work to do})
Forking a child - For what you are trying to do, there is another common pattern, forking off a child process to do the heavy lifting. The upside is that the child process can do heavy computation in the background while your parent process is responsive to other events. The catch is that you can't / shouldn't share memory with this child process (not without a LOT of contortions and some native code); you have to pass messages. This will work beautifully if the size of your input and output data is small compared to the computation that must be performed. You can even fire up a child node.js process and use the same code you were using previously.
var child_process = require('child_process'); function run_in_child(array, cb) { var process = child_process.exec('node libfn.js', function(err, stdout, stderr) { var output = JSON.parse(stdout); cb(err, output); }); process.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(array), 'utf8'); process.stdin.end(); }
Iterable<any>|Promise<Iterable<any>> input,
function(any item, int index, int length) iterator
) -> Promise
This method iterates over an array, or a promise of an array, which contains promises (or a mix of promises and values) with the given iterator function with the signature (value, index, length) where the value is the resolved value of a respective promise in the input array. Iteration happens serially. If the iterator function returns a promise or a thenable, then the result of the promise is awaited before continuing with next iteration. If any promise in the input array is rejected, then the returned promise is rejected as well.
var fileNames = ["1.txt", "2.txt", "3.txt"];
Promise.each(fileNames, function(fileName) {
return fs.readFileAsync(fileName).then(function(val){
// do stuff with 'val' here.
}).then(function() {
如果您需要一个异步友好的Array版本。对于ach和类似的,它们在Node.js 'async'模块中可用:http://github.com/caolan/async…作为奖励,这个模块也可以在浏览器中工作。
async.each(openFiles, saveFile, function(err){
// if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error
Forking a child - For what you are trying to do, there is another common pattern, forking off a child process to do the heavy lifting. The upside is that the child process can do heavy computation in the background while your parent process is responsive to other events. The catch is that you can't / shouldn't share memory with this child process (not without a LOT of contortions and some native code); you have to pass messages. This will work beautifully if the size of your input and output data is small compared to the computation that must be performed. You can even fire up a child node.js process and use the same code you were using previously.
var child_process = require('child_process'); function run_in_child(array, cb) { var process = child_process.exec('node libfn.js', function(err, stdout, stderr) { var output = JSON.parse(stdout); cb(err, output); }); process.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(array), 'utf8'); process.stdin.end(); }
Array.prototype.each = function (iterator, callback) {
var iterate = function () {
if (pointer >= this.length) {
iterator.call(iterator, this[pointer], iterate, pointer);
pointer = -1;
var forEachAsync = require('futures').forEachAsync;
// waits for one request to finish before beginning the next
forEachAsync(['dogs', 'cats', 'octocats'], function (next, element, index, array) {
getPics(element, next);
// then after all of the elements have been handled
// the final callback fires to let you know it's all done
}).then(function () {
console.log('All requests have finished');