在网上搜索,还不清楚Android开发是否支持Java 8。

在我下载/安装Java 8之前,能不能有人给我指出任何“官方”文档,说Java 8是或不支持Android开发。


Android Studio现在支持Java 8的一个子集。只需从下面的窗口进行源和目标兼容性调整:






Android Studio 4.0支持使用大量的Java 8语言API,通过使用称为desugaring的技术,而不需要为你的应用程序设置最低的API级别: https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features#j8-desugar

The following set of APIs is supported in this release: Sequential streams (java.util.stream) A subset of java.time java.util.function Recent additions to java.util.{Map,Collection,Comparator} Optionals (java.util.Optional, java.util.OptionalInt and java.util.OptionalDouble) and some other new classes useful with the above APIs Some additions to java.util.concurrent.atomic (new methods on AtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicReference) ConcurrentHashMap (with bug fixes for Android 5.0) To support these language APIs, D8 compiles a separate library DEX file that contains an implementation of the missing APIs and includes it in your app. The desugaring process rewrites your app’s code to instead use this library at runtime. To enable support for these language APIs, include the following in your module’s build.gradle file: android { defaultConfig { // Required when setting minSdkVersion to 20 or lower multiDexEnabled true } compileOptions { // Flag to enable support for the new language APIs coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true // Sets Java compatibility to Java 8 sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } } dependencies { coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.0.4' }


Android Studio 3.0开始提供对Java 8语言特性的内置支持,包括:

Lambda表达式 方法引用 类型注释(信息在编译时可用,但在运行时不可用) 重复注释 默认和静态接口方法

同样,从API级别24开始,可以使用以下Java 8 API:

java.util.stream java.util.function java.lang.FunctionalInterface java.lang.annotation.Repeatable java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement.getAnnotationsByType(类) java.lang.reflect.Method.isDefault ()

除此之外,try-with-resources支持扩展到所有Android API级别。

更多的Java 8特性将在未来被添加。

要开始使用受支持的Java 8语言特性,请更新Android 插件到3.0.0-alpha1(或更高版本),并将以下内容添加到您的 模块的构建。gradle文件: android { ... compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion。VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion。VERSION_1_8 } }

详情请浏览: https://developer.android.com/studio/write/java8-support.html




我们可以使用Java 8使用:

在构建。gradle (Project: myProject)添加以下内容 类路径的me.tatarka: gradle-retrolambda: x.x。x ' / / x.x。X是最新版本 在构建。gradle (Module: myModule 应用插件:'me.tatarka.retrolambda' compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion。VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion。VERSION_1_8 }

Android在Android N正式支持Java 8。

特性公告如下,Java 8语言公告如下:

Improved Java 8 language support - We’re excited to bring Java 8 language features to Android. With Android's Jack compiler, you can now use many popular Java 8 language features, including lambdas and more, on Android versions as far back as Gingerbread. The new features help reduce boilerplate code. For example, lambdas can replace anonymous inner classes when providing event listeners. Some Java 8 language features --like default and static methods, streams, and functional interfaces -- are also now available on N and above. With Jack, we’re looking forward to tracking the Java language more closely while maintaining backward compatibility.


compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion。VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion。VERSION_1_8 }