
演讲者说,在那种情况下,如果我们不在那里使用[u主self],就会发生内存泄漏。这是否意味着我们应该总是在闭包中使用[ucontrolled self] ?

在Swift Weather应用程序的ViewController.swift的第64行,我没有使用[u主self]。但是我通过使用一些@ iboutlet来更新UI,比如self。温度和自加载指示器。这可能没问题,因为我定义的所有@IBOutlets都是弱的。但是为了安全起见,我们应该总是使用[无主的自我]吗?

class TempNotifier {
  var onChange: (Int) -> Void = {_ in }
  var currentTemp = 72
  init() {
    onChange = { [unowned self] temp in
      self.currentTemp = temp



弱引用总是可选类型,并且是自动的 当它们引用的实例被释放时变为nil。 如果捕获的引用永远不会变成nil,那么它应该始终被捕获为无主引用,而不是弱引用


    // if my response can nil use  [weak self]
      resource.request().onComplete { [weak self] response in
      guard let strongSelf = self else {
      let model = strongSelf.updateModel(response)

    // Only use [unowned self] unowned if guarantees that response never nil  
      resource.request().onComplete { [unowned self] response in
      let model = self.updateModel(response)



弱引用总是可选类型,并且是自动的 当它们引用的实例被释放时变为nil。 如果捕获的引用永远不会变成nil,那么它应该始终被捕获为无主引用,而不是弱引用


    // if my response can nil use  [weak self]
      resource.request().onComplete { [weak self] response in
      guard let strongSelf = self else {
      let model = strongSelf.updateModel(response)

    // Only use [unowned self] unowned if guarantees that response never nil  
      resource.request().onComplete { [unowned self] response in
      let model = self.updateModel(response)



就像一个隐式打开的可选选项,如果你能保证 引用在它的使用点不会为nil,使用无主。 如果不是,那么你应该使用weak。




Unowned references, like weak references, do not increase the retain count of the object being referred. However, in Swift, an unowned reference has the added benefit of not being an Optional. This makes them easier to manage rather than resorting to using optional binding. This is not unlike Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals . In addition, unowned references are non-zeroing. This means that when the object is deallocated, it does not zero out the pointer. This means that use of unowned references can, in some cases, lead to dangling pointers. For you nerds out there that remember the Objective-C days like I do, unowned references map to unsafe_unretained references.








unowned(safe) is a non-owning reference that asserts on access that the object is still alive. It's sort of like a weak optional reference that's implicitly unwrapped with x! every time it's accessed. unowned(unsafe) is like __unsafe_unretained in ARC—it's a non-owning reference, but there's no runtime check that the object is still alive on access, so dangling references will reach into garbage memory. unowned is always a synonym for unowned(safe) currently, but the intent is that it will be optimized to unowned(unsafe) in -Ofast builds when runtime checks are disabled.


unowned actually uses a much simpler implementation than weak. Native Swift objects carry two reference counts, and unowned references bump the unowned reference count instead of the strong reference count. The object is deinitialized when its strong reference count reaches zero, but it isn't actually deallocated until the unowned reference count also hits zero. This causes the memory to be held onto slightly longer when there are unowned references, but that isn't usually a problem when unowned is used because the related objects should have near-equal lifetimes anyway, and it's much simpler and lower-overhead than the side-table based implementation used for zeroing weak references.



What is the purpose of keeping the memory alive after owning references reach 0? What happens if code attempts to do something with the object using an unowned reference after it is deinitialized? The memory is kept alive so that its retain counts are still available. This way, when someone attempts to retain a strong reference to the unowned object, the runtime can check that the strong reference count is greater than zero in order to ensure that it is safe to retain the object. What happens to owning or unowned references held by the object? Is their lifetime decoupled from the object when it is deinitialized or is their memory also retained until the object is deallocated after the last unowned reference is released? All resources owned by the object are released as soon as the object's last strong reference is released, and its deinit is run. Unowned references only keep the memory alive—aside from the header with the reference counts, its contents is junk.









The closure have the same lifetime of the variable, so the closure will be reachable only until the variable is reachable. The variable and the closure have the same lifetime. In this case you should declare the reference as unowned. A common example is the [unowned self] used in many example of small closures that do something in the context of their parent and that not being referenced anywhere else do not outlive their parents. The closure lifetime is independent from the one of the variable, the closure could still be referenced when the variable is not reachable anymore. In this case you should declare the reference as weak and verify it's not nil before using it (don't force unwrap). A common example of this is the [weak delegate] you can see in some examples of closure referencing a completely unrelated (lifetime-wise) delegate object.




无主更快,并且允许不可变性和非可选性。 如果你不需要弱,就不要用它。




但是Mike Ash已经记录了Swift如何更新弱变量的实现以使用侧边表,以及这如何极大地提高弱自我性能。


Now that there isn't a significant performance penalty to weak self, I believe we should default to using it going forward. The benefit of weak self is that it's an optional, which makes it far easier to write more correct code, it's basically the reason Swift is such a great language. You may think you know which situations are safe for the use of unowned self, but my experience reviewing lots of other developers code is, most don't. I've fixed lots of crashes where unowned self was deallocated, usually in situations where a background thread completes after a controller is deallocated.
