我不记得在数组上有一个“indexOf”,除了为自己编写它…如果数组包含基本类型,则可以使用java.util.Arrays#binarySearch(…)方法之一(参见Arrays javadoc)
如果数组是原语且没有排序,则应该使用由其他答案之一提供的解决方案,如Kerem baydo土耳其的,Andrew McKinlay的或Mishax的。即使theArray是基本的(可能会发出警告),上面的代码也会被编译,但您仍然会得到完全错误的结果。
java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(theArray, o)
public static <T> int indexOf(T needle, T[] haystack)
for (int i=0; i<haystack.length; i++)
if (haystack[i] != null && haystack[i].equals(needle)
|| needle == null && haystack[i] == null) return i;
return -1;
也许这个Apache Commons Lang ArrayUtils方法就是您要找的
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
String[] colours = { "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green" };
int indexOfYellow = ArrayUtils.indexOf(colours, "Yellow");
如果您的数组已经排序,那么您很幸运,因为Arrays类定义了binarySearch方法的一系列重载,这些重载将以最好的性能(O(log n)而不是O(n),后者是您可以从indexOf执行的顺序搜索中获得的结果)找到您正在寻找的元素的索引。有四个考虑因素:
The array must be sorted either in natural order or in the order of a Comparator that you provide as an argument, or at the very least all elements that are "less than" the key must come before that element in the array and all elements that are "greater than" the key must come after that element in the array; The test you normally do with indexOf to determine if a key is in the array (verify if the return value is not -1) does not hold with binarySearch. You need to verify that the return value is not less than zero since the value returned will indicate the key is not present but the index at which it would be expected if it did exist; If your array contains multiple elements that are equal to the key, what you get from binarySearch is undefined; this is different from indexOf that will return the first occurrence and lastIndexOf that will return the last occurrence. An array of booleans might appear to be sorted if it first contains all falses and then all trues, but this doesn't count. There is no override of the binarySearch method that accepts an array of booleans and you'll have to do something clever there if you want O(log n) performance when detecting where the first true appears in an array, for instance using an array of Booleans and the constants Boolean.FALSE and Boolean.TRUE.
If your array is not sorted and the type of the array is primitive, you are out of luck with the Java API. Write your own for loop, or your own static utility method, which will certainly have performance advantages over the asList approach that involves some overhead of an object instantiation. In case you're concerned that writing a brute force for loop that iterates over all of the elements of the array is not an elegant solution, accept that that is exactly what the Java API is doing when you call indexOf. You can make something like this:
public static int indexOfIntArray(int[] array, int key) {
int returnvalue = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
if (key == array[i]) {
returnvalue = i;
return returnvalue;
int findIndex(int myElement, int[] someArray){
int index = 0;
for(int n: someArray){
if(myElement == n) return index;
else index++;
Jeffrey Hantin的答案很好,但它有一些限制,如果它是这个做这个或那个…
Lists.indexOf(array, x -> item == x); // compare in the way you want
public final class Lists {
private Lists() {
public static <T> int indexOf(T[] array, Predicate<T> predicate) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (predicate.test(array[i])) return i;
return -1;
public static <T> int indexOf(List<T> list, Predicate<T> predicate) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (predicate.test(list.get(i))) return i;
return -1;
public interface Predicate<T> {
boolean test(T t);
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