

相关信息,特别是如果您正在使用NTVS与Visual Studio IDE一起工作。NTVS将NodeJS和Express工具,脚手架,项目模板添加到Visual Studio 2012, 2013。



middleware as the name suggests actually middleware is sit between middle.. middle of what? middle of request and response..how request,response,express server sit in express app in this picture you can see requests are coming from client then the express server server serves those requests.. then lets dig deeper.. actually we can divide this whole express server's whole task in to small seperate tasks like in this way. how middleware sit between request and response small chunk of server parts doing some particular task and passed request to next one.. finally doing all the tasks response has been made.. all middle ware can access request object,response object and next function of request response cycle..




Node.js itself offers an http module, whose createServer method returns an object that you can use to respond to HTTP requests. That object inherits the http.Server prototype. Connect also offers a createServer method, which returns an object that inherits an extended version of http.Server. Connect's extensions are mainly there to make it easy to plug in middleware. That's why Connect describes itself as a "middleware framework," and is often analogized to Ruby's Rack. Express does to Connect what Connect does to the http module: It offers a createServer method that extends Connect's Server prototype. So all of the functionality of Connect is there, plus view rendering and a handy DSL for describing routes. Ruby's Sinatra is a good analogy. Then there are other frameworks that go even further and extend Express! Zappa, for instance, which integrates support for CoffeeScript, server-side jQuery, and testing.

这里有一个关于“中间件”含义的具体例子:开箱即用,上面没有一个为您提供静态文件。但只要加上连接。static (Connect附带的中间件),配置为指向一个目录,您的服务器将提供对该目录中的文件的访问。注意,Express也提供Connect的中间件;表达。Static和connect.static是一样的。(直到最近,两者都被称为staticProvider。)





相关信息,特别是如果您正在使用NTVS与Visual Studio IDE一起工作。NTVS将NodeJS和Express工具,脚手架,项目模板添加到Visual Studio 2012, 2013。
