
class new_class():
    def __init__(self, number):
        self.multi = int(number) * 2
        self.str = str(number)

a = new_class(2)
print(', '.join(a.SOMETHING))

期望的结果是输出"multi, str"。我希望它能看到脚本各个部分的当前属性。



#! /usr/bin/env python3
# This demonstrates how to pick the attiributes of an object

class C(object) :

  def __init__ (self, name="q" ):
    self.q = name
    self.m = "y?"

c = C()

print ( dir(c) )


jeffs@jeff-desktop:~/skyset$ python3 attributes.py 
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',      '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'm', 'q']




It is almost always better to do this manually if you want to display an instance of your class in a specific way. This will include exactly what you want and not include what you don't want, and the order will be predictable. If you are looking for a way to display the content of a class, manually format the attributes you care about and provide this as the __str__ or __repr__ method for your class. If you want to learn about what methods and such exist for an object to understand how it works, use help. help(a) will show you a formatted output about the object's class based on its docstrings. dir exists for programatically getting all the attributes of an object. (Accessing __dict__ does something I would group as the same but that I wouldn't use myself.) However, this may not include things you want and it may include things you do not want. It is unreliable and people think they want it a lot more often than they do. On a somewhat orthogonal note, there is very little support for Python 3 at the current time. If you are interested in writing real software you are going to want third-party stuff like numpy, lxml, Twisted, PIL, or any number of web frameworks that do not yet support Python 3 and do not have plans to any time too soon. The differences between 2.6 and the 3.x branch are small, but the difference in library support is huge.

人们经常提到,要列出一个完整的属性列表,应该使用dir()。但是请注意,与普遍观点相反,dir()并没有显示所有属性。例如,你可能会注意到__name__可能在类的dir()列表中缺失,即使你可以从类本身访问它。从dir()的文档(Python 2, Python 3):

因为提供dir()主要是为了方便在 交互式提示符,它试图提供一组有趣的名称 它不仅仅是试图提供一个严格或一致定义的集合 的名称,其详细行为可能在不同版本之间更改。为 属性时,元类属性不在结果列表中 参数是一个类。


def dirmore(instance):
    visible = dir(instance)
    visible += [a for a in set(dir(type)).difference(visible)
                if hasattr(instance, a)]
    return sorted(visible)
# or (same value)
# or


你可以使用dir(your_object)来获取属性,使用getattr(your_object, your_object_attr)来获取值


for att in dir(your_object):
    print (att, getattr(your_object,att))


请参见以下Python shell脚本执行顺序,它将给出从创建类到提取实例字段名的解决方案。

>>> class Details:
...       def __init__(self,name,age):
...           self.name=name
...           self.age =age
...       def show_details(self):
...           if self.name:
...              print "Name : ",self.name
...           else:
...              print "Name : ","_"
...           if self.age:
...              if self.age>0:
...                 print "Age  : ",self.age
...              else:
...                 print "Age can't be -ve"
...           else:
...              print "Age  : ","_"
>>> my_details = Details("Rishikesh",24)
>>> print my_details
<__main__.Details instance at 0x10e2e77e8>
>>> print my_details.name
>>> print my_details.age
>>> my_details.show_details()
Name :  Rishikesh
Age  :  24
>>> person1 = Details("",34)
>>> person1.name
>>> person1.age
>>> person1.show_details
<bound method Details.show_details of <__main__.Details instance at 0x10e2e7758>>
>>> person1.show_details()
Name :  _
Age  :  34
>>> person2 = Details("Rob Pike",0)
>>> person2.name
'Rob Pike'
>>> person2.age
>>> person2.show_details()
Name :  Rob Pike
Age  :  _
>>> person3 = Details("Rob Pike",-45)
>>> person3.name
'Rob Pike'
>>> person3.age
>>> person3.show_details()
Name :  Rob Pike
Age can't be -ve
>>> person3.__dict__
{'age': -45, 'name': 'Rob Pike'}
>>> person3.__dict__.keys()
['age', 'name']
>>> person3.__dict__.values()
[-45, 'Rob Pike']