我正在寻找在NSArray上迭代的标准习语。我的代码需要适合OS X 10.4+。
for (id object in array) {
// do something with object
我在radar://6296108中报告了这个(NSEnumerators的快速枚举是缓慢的),但它被返回为Not To Be Fixed。原因是快速枚举预取一组对象,如果你只想枚举枚举器中的一个给定点(例如,直到找到一个特定的对象,或满足条件),并在跳出循环后使用相同的枚举器,通常情况下会跳过几个对象。
如果你正在为OS X 10.6 / iOS 4.0及以上版本编码,你也可以选择使用基于块的api来枚举数组和其他集合:
[array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
// do something with object
NSEnumerator *e = [array objectEnumerator];
id object;
while (object = [e nextObject]) {
// do something with object
When using -objectEnumerator, you very easily change to another enumerable collection (like an NSSet, keys in an NSDictionary, etc.), or even switch to -reverseObjectEnumerator to enumerate an array backwards, all with no other code changes. If the iteration code is in a method, you could even pass in any NSEnumerator and the code doesn't even have to care about what it's iterating. Further, an NSEnumerator (at least those provided by Apple code) retains the collection it's enumerating as long as there are more objects, so you don't have to worry about how long an autoreleased object will exist.
Perhaps the biggest thing an NSEnumerator (or fast enumeration) protects you from is having a mutable collection (array or otherwise) change underneath you without your knowledge while you're enumerating it. If you access the objects by index, you can run into strange exceptions or off-by-one errors (often long after the problem has occurred) that can be horrific to debug. Enumeration using one of the standard idioms has a "fail-fast" behavior, so the problem (caused by incorrect code) will manifest itself immediately when you try to access the next object after the mutation has occurred. As programs get more complex and multi-threaded, or even depend on something that third-party code may modify, fragile enumeration code becomes increasingly problematic. Encapsulation and abstraction FTW! :-)
NSArray *langs = @[@"es", @"en", @"pt", @"it", @"fr"];
for (int i = 0; i < [langs count]; i++) {
NSString *lang = (NSString*) [langs objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(@"%@, ",lang);
let arrayNumbers = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
// 1
for (index, value) in arrayNumbers.enumerated() {
print(index, value)
//... do somthing with array value and index
for value in arrayNumbers {
//... do somthing with array value
适用于OS X 10.4。X和之前:
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [myArray count]; i++) {
id myArrayElement = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];
...do something useful with myArrayElement
适用于OS X 10.5。x(或iPhone)及其他版本:
for (id myArrayElement in myArray) {
...do something useful with myArrayElement
for (id object in array) {
// do something with object
我在radar://6296108中报告了这个(NSEnumerators的快速枚举是缓慢的),但它被返回为Not To Be Fixed。原因是快速枚举预取一组对象,如果你只想枚举枚举器中的一个给定点(例如,直到找到一个特定的对象,或满足条件),并在跳出循环后使用相同的枚举器,通常情况下会跳过几个对象。
如果你正在为OS X 10.6 / iOS 4.0及以上版本编码,你也可以选择使用基于块的api来枚举数组和其他集合:
[array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
// do something with object
NSEnumerator *e = [array objectEnumerator];
id object;
while (object = [e nextObject]) {
// do something with object
When using -objectEnumerator, you very easily change to another enumerable collection (like an NSSet, keys in an NSDictionary, etc.), or even switch to -reverseObjectEnumerator to enumerate an array backwards, all with no other code changes. If the iteration code is in a method, you could even pass in any NSEnumerator and the code doesn't even have to care about what it's iterating. Further, an NSEnumerator (at least those provided by Apple code) retains the collection it's enumerating as long as there are more objects, so you don't have to worry about how long an autoreleased object will exist.
Perhaps the biggest thing an NSEnumerator (or fast enumeration) protects you from is having a mutable collection (array or otherwise) change underneath you without your knowledge while you're enumerating it. If you access the objects by index, you can run into strange exceptions or off-by-one errors (often long after the problem has occurred) that can be horrific to debug. Enumeration using one of the standard idioms has a "fail-fast" behavior, so the problem (caused by incorrect code) will manifest itself immediately when you try to access the next object after the mutation has occurred. As programs get more complex and multi-threaded, or even depend on something that third-party code may modify, fragile enumeration code becomes increasingly problematic. Encapsulation and abstraction FTW! :-)
for (id object in array)
// statement
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