

相关: 如何通过JavaScript访问HTTP请求报头字段?



var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', document.location, false);
var headers = req.getAllResponseHeaders().toLowerCase();
headers = headers.split(/\n|\r|\r\n/g).reduce(function(a, b) {
    if (b.length) {
        var [ key, value ] = b.split(': ');
        a[key] = value;
    return a;
}, {});




App.get ('/somepage', (req, res) => { res.render(“somepage。Hbs ', {headers: req.headers}); }) 然后在模板中可以使用头文件,因此可以在视觉上隐藏,但包含在标记中并由客户端javascript读取。

您不能访问http报头,但是其中提供的一些信息在DOM中是可用的。例如,如果你想查看http引用器(原文如此),使用document.referrer。可能还有其他类似的http头文件。试着谷歌一下你想要的具体内容,比如“http referer javascript”。

我知道这应该是显而易见的,但我一直在搜索像“http headers javascript”这样的东西,而我真正想要的只是引用器,并没有得到任何有用的结果。我不知道我怎么没意识到我可以问个更具体的问题。


I've nevertheless find out a bypass that could help others. In my case I fully control my web server. In fact it is part of my application (see end reference). It is easy for me to add a script to my http response. I modified my httpd server to inject a small script within every html pages. I only push a extra 'js script' line right after my header construction, that set an existing variable from my document within my browser [I choose location], but any other option is possible. While my server is written in nodejs, I've no doubt that the same technique can be use from PHP or others.

  case ".html":
    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
    response.write ("<script>location['GPSD_HTTP_AJAX']=true</script>")
    // process the real contend of my page

现在每一个html页面加载从我的服务器,有这个脚本执行的浏览器在接收。然后,我可以很容易地从JavaScript检查变量是否存在。在我的用例中,我需要知道我是否应该使用JSON或JSON- p配置文件来避免CORS问题,但同样的技术可以用于其他目的[即:在开发/生产服务器之间选择,从服务器获取REST/API密钥等....]


 // Select direct Ajax/Json profile if using GpsdTracking/HttpAjax server otherwise use JsonP
  var corsbypass = true;  
  if (location['GPSD_HTTP_AJAX']) corsbypass = false;

  if (corsbypass) { // Json & html served from two different web servers
    var gpsdApi = "http://localhost:4080/geojson.rest?jsoncallback=?";
  } else { // Json & html served from same web server [no ?jsoncallback=]
    var gpsdApi = "geojson.rest?";
  var gpsdRqt = 
      {key   :123456789 // user authentication key
      ,cmd   :'list'    // rest command
      ,group :'all'     // group to retreive
      ,round : true     // ask server to round numbers
   $.getJSON(gpsdApi,gpsdRqt, DevListCB);

对于任何想要检查我代码的人: https://www.npmjs.org/package/gpsdtracking



如果HTTP请求是通过AJAX发出的,则可以使用getAllResponseHeaders()方法获得响应头。它是XMLHttpRequest API的一部分。要了解如何应用它,请查看下面的fetchSimilarHeaders()函数。请注意,这是对某些应用程序不可靠的问题的一种变通方法。


该API在以下XMLHttpRequest候选推荐中指定:XMLHttpRequest - W3C候选推荐3 2010年8月 具体来说,getAllResponseHeaders()方法在以下部分中指定 MDN文档也很好:developer.mozilla.org: XMLHttpRequest。



This question was first asked several years ago, asking specifically about how to get at the original HTTP response headers for the current page (i.e. the same page inside of which the javascript was running). This is quite a different question than simply getting the response headers for any HTTP request. For the initial page request, the headers aren't readily available to javascript. Whether the header values you need will be reliably and sufficiently consistent if you request the same page again via AJAX will depend on your particular application.


1. 对资源的请求大部分是静态的

如果响应基本上是静态的,并且请求之间的报头预计不会有太大变化,那么您可以对当前所在的同一页面发出AJAX请求,并假设它们是页面HTTP响应中的相同值。这允许您使用上面描述的XMLHttpRequest API访问所需的标头。

function fetchSimilarHeaders (callback) {
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (request.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
            // The following headers may often be similar
            // to those of the original page request...
            if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {

    // Re-request the same page (document.location)
    // We hope to get the same or similar response headers to those which 
    // came with the current page, but we have no guarantee.
    // Since we are only after the headers, a HEAD request may be sufficient.
    request.open('HEAD', document.location, true);


2. 进行推断

有一些BOM属性(浏览器对象模型)是浏览器通过查看头文件来确定的。其中一些属性直接反映HTTP报头(例如导航器)。userAgent被设置为HTTP User-Agent报头字段的值)。通过嗅探可用属性,您可能能够找到您需要的东西,或者一些指示HTTP响应包含什么的线索。


If you control the server side, you can access any header you like as you construct the full response. Values could be passed to the client with the page, stashed in some markup or perhaps in an inlined JSON structure. If you wanted to have every HTTP request header available to your javascript, you could iterate through them on the server and send them back as hidden values in the markup. It's probably not ideal to send header values this way, but you could certainly do it for the specific value you need. This solution is arguably inefficient, too, but it would do the job if you needed it.
