在Visual Studio 2010中,你会发现键盘命令在名为View.ShowSmartTag的命令中解析名称空间。我的也被映射到Shift + Alt + F10,这是一个很大的麻烦-所以我通常会立即重新映射。
DevExpress的CodeRush在这方面没有提供任何帮助;或者对我来说什么都不明显- DevExpress在非专家模式下非常乐意为你做什么:-)
最后一个评论——这个解决依赖关系的IDE特性在Java IDE世界中是如此成熟和完善,以至于大部分Internet示例甚至不再显示导入(使用)。
This said, Microsoft now finally has something to offer on this regard, but it is also clear to me that Microsoft development (for many of us) has now come full circle - the focus went from source, to visual designers right back to focus being on source again - meaning that the time you spend in a source code view / whether it is C#, VB or XAML is on the up and the amount of dragging and dropping onto 'forms' is on the down. With this basic assumption, it is simple to say that Microsoft should start concentrating on making the editor smarter, keyboard shortcuts easier, and code/error checking and evaluation better - the days of a dumb editor leaving you to google a class to find out in which library it resides are gone (or should be in any case) for most of us.
Alt + Shift + F10将显示与智能标记相关的菜单。
ctrl +。例如,当你尝试输入列表时,你需要在最后输入<并按ctrl +。让它起作用。
Ctrl +。显示菜单。我发现这比Alt + Shift + F10更容易输入。
这可以通过转到工具>选项>环境>键盘>可视c# >视图重新绑定到更熟悉的东西。QuickActions
我强烈推荐使用Visual Studio插件ReSharper。它有一个QuickFix功能,可以做同样的事情(以及更多)。
但是ReSharper并不要求光标位于需要新名称空间的实际代码上。比方说,您复制/粘贴一些代码到源文件中,只需按几下Alt + Enter键,所有所需的使用就包括在内了。
哦,它还确保将所需的程序集引用添加到项目中。例如,您创建了一个包含NUnit单元测试的新项目。在编写的第一个类中,您添加了[TestFixture]属性。如果您的解决方案中已经有一个项目引用了NUnit DLL文件,那么ReSharper能够看到TestFixtureAttribute来自该DLL文件,因此它将自动将该程序集引用添加到您的新项目中。
它还为扩展方法添加了必需的名称空间。至少ReSharper 5测试版是这样的。我很确定Visual Studio的内置解析函数不会这样做。
在Visual Studio 2010中,你会发现键盘命令在名为View.ShowSmartTag的命令中解析名称空间。我的也被映射到Shift + Alt + F10,这是一个很大的麻烦-所以我通常会立即重新映射。
DevExpress的CodeRush在这方面没有提供任何帮助;或者对我来说什么都不明显- DevExpress在非专家模式下非常乐意为你做什么:-)
最后一个评论——这个解决依赖关系的IDE特性在Java IDE世界中是如此成熟和完善,以至于大部分Internet示例甚至不再显示导入(使用)。
This said, Microsoft now finally has something to offer on this regard, but it is also clear to me that Microsoft development (for many of us) has now come full circle - the focus went from source, to visual designers right back to focus being on source again - meaning that the time you spend in a source code view / whether it is C#, VB or XAML is on the up and the amount of dragging and dropping onto 'forms' is on the down. With this basic assumption, it is simple to say that Microsoft should start concentrating on making the editor smarter, keyboard shortcuts easier, and code/error checking and evaluation better - the days of a dumb editor leaving you to google a class to find out in which library it resides are gone (or should be in any case) for most of us.
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