I need to merge two Git repositories into a brand new, third repository. I've found many descriptions of how to do this using a subtree merge (for example Jakub Narębski's answer on How do you merge two Git repositories?) and following those instructions mostly works, except that when I commit the subtree merge all of the files from the old repositories are recorded as new added files. I can see the commit history from the old repositories when I do git log, but if I do git log <file> it shows only one commit for that file - the subtree merge. Judging from the comments on the above answer, I'm not alone in seeing this problem but I've found no published solutions for it.




Create a new repository in Github. Download the newly created repo and add the old remote repository. git clone https://github.com/alexbr9007/Test.git cd Test git remote add OldRepo https://github.com/alexbr9007/Django-React.git git remote -v Fetch for all the files from the old repo so a new branch gets created. git fetch OldRepo git branch -a In the master branch, do a merge to combine the old repo with the newly created one. git merge remotes/OldRepo/master --allow-unrelated-histories Create a new folder to store all the new created content that was added from the OldRepo and move its files into this new folder. Lastly, you can upload the files from the combined repos and safely delete the OldRepo from GitHub.




Create a new repository in Github. Download the newly created repo and add the old remote repository. git clone https://github.com/alexbr9007/Test.git cd Test git remote add OldRepo https://github.com/alexbr9007/Django-React.git git remote -v Fetch for all the files from the old repo so a new branch gets created. git fetch OldRepo git branch -a In the master branch, do a merge to combine the old repo with the newly created one. git merge remotes/OldRepo/master --allow-unrelated-histories Create a new folder to store all the new created content that was added from the OldRepo and move its files into this new folder. Lastly, you can upload the files from the combined repos and safely delete the OldRepo from GitHub.



function git-add-repo
    dir="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\/$//')"

    tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
    remote="$(echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\///g'| sed 's/\./_/g')"

    git clone "$repo" "$tmp"
    cd "$tmp"

    git filter-branch --index-filter '
        git ls-files -s |
        sed "s,\t,&'"$dir"'/," |
        GIT_INDEX_FILE="$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" git update-index --index-info &&
        mv "$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"
    ' HEAD

    cd "$path"
    git remote add -f "$remote" "file://$tmp/.git"
    git pull "$remote/master"
    git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge repo $repo into master" --edit "$remote/master"
    git remote remove "$remote"
    rm -rf "$tmp"


cd current/package
git-add-repo https://github.com/example/example dir/to/save



我把解决方案从@Flimm this变成了一个git别名,就像这样(添加到我的~/.gitconfig):

 mergeRepo = "!mergeRepo() { \
  [ $# -ne 3 ] && echo \"Three parameters required, <remote URI> <new branch> <new dir>\" && exit 1; \
  git remote add newRepo $1; \
  git fetch newRepo; \
  git branch \"$2\" newRepo/master; \
  git checkout \"$2\"; \
  mkdir -vp \"${GIT_PREFIX}$3\"; \
  git ls-tree -z --name-only HEAD | xargs -0 -I {} git mv {} \"${GIT_PREFIX}$3\"/; \
  git commit -m \"Moved files to '${GIT_PREFIX}$3'\"; \
  git checkout master; git merge --allow-unrelated-histories --no-edit -s recursive -X no-renames \"$2\"; \
  git branch -D \"$2\"; git remote remove newRepo; \
}; \



cd b
git remote add a ../a
git fetch a
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories a/master
git remote remove a


cd a
git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter a
cd ..


