1. 我不是问它们在语言X或Y中是如何定义的(这似乎是人们在这里问的),我想知道它们在理论上有什么不同。
1. 我不是问它们在语言X或Y中是如何定义的(这似乎是人们在这里问的),我想知道它们在理论上有什么不同。
As a more "real world" example, looking up a word in a dictionary can give us a number of definitions for the same word, and when we find an entry that points us to another entry (see other word), a number of words for the same list of definitions. In the real world, maps are much broader, allowing us to have locations for names or names for coordinates, but also we can find a nearest neighbor or other attributes (populations, etc), so IMHO there could be argument for a greater expansion of the map type to possibly have graph based implementations, but it would be best to always assume just the key-value pair, especially since nearest neighbor and other attributes to the value could all just be data members of the value.
字典是表示一组元素的数据结构,包含插入、删除和成员关系测试;元素可以(但不一定)由不同的键和值部分组成 map是一种关联数据结构,能够存储一组键,每个键与一个(或多个-例如c++的multimap)值相关联,能够访问和删除仅给定键的现有项。
例如,我们有一组元素{a, B, C, D…},我们已经能够插入和开始删除,我们能够查询“C是否存在?”
As such, a map data structure provides a way to go from elements of a given set - known as "keys" in the map, to one or more elements in the second set - known as the associated "value(s)". The "...or more elements in the second set" aspect can be supported by an implementation is two distinct way: Many map implementations enforce uniqueness of the keys and only allow each key to be associated with one value, but that value might be able to be a data structure itself containing many values of a simpler data type, e.g. { {1,{"one", "ichi"}, {2, {"two", "ni"}} } illustrates values consisting of pairs/sets of strings. Other map implementations allow duplicate keys each mapping to the same or different values - which functionally satisfies the "associates...each [key] element...with...more [than one] [value] elements" case. For example, { {1, "one"}, {1, "ichi"}, {2, "two"}, {2, "ni"} }.
因此,使用上面严格的Comp Sci术语,只有当接口恰好支持不是每个字典都需要的附加操作时,字典才会是映射:
能够存储具有不同键和值组件的元素 能够检索和删除只给定键的值
关联容器:任何存储键/值对的容器,可以按键进行值检索和擦除 哈希映射:关联容器的哈希表实现 强制惟一键的哈希集:存储元素/值的字典的哈希表实现,不将它们视为包含不同的键/值组件,其中元素的副本不能插入 平衡二叉树映射支持重复键:…
交叉引用Comp Sci术语与具体实现
maps: map, multimap, unordered_map, unordered_multimap other dictionaries: set, multiset, unordered_set, unordered_multiset note: with iterators or std::find you can erase an element and test for membership in array, vector, list, deque etc, but the container interfaces don't directly support that because finding an element is spectacularly inefficient at O(N), in some cases insert/erase is inefficient, and supporting those operations undermines the deliberately limited API the container implies - e.g. deques should only support erase/pop at the front and back and not in terms of some key. Having to do more work in code to orchestrate the search gently encourages the programmer to switch to a container data structure with more efficient searching.
通常我假设映射是由哈希表支持的;它意味着一个无序的存储。 字典意味着有序的存储。
(a (n (d t)) n d )
一个 而且 蚂蚁 一个 广告
As a more "real world" example, looking up a word in a dictionary can give us a number of definitions for the same word, and when we find an entry that points us to another entry (see other word), a number of words for the same list of definitions. In the real world, maps are much broader, allowing us to have locations for names or names for coordinates, but also we can find a nearest neighbor or other attributes (populations, etc), so IMHO there could be argument for a greater expansion of the map type to possibly have graph based implementations, but it would be best to always assume just the key-value pair, especially since nearest neighbor and other attributes to the value could all just be data members of the value.
字典是一个可以用来定位链接值的值。 Map是一个值,它提供了如何定位另一个值的指令
所有允许非线性访问的集合(即只有get first或get last)都是Map,因为即使是简单的Array也有一个映射到正确值的索引。因此,虽然字典是地图的一种类型,但地图具有更广泛的功能。
In Practice a its usually the mapping function that defines the name, so a HashMap is a mapped data structure that uses a hashing algorithm to link the key to the value, where as a Dictionary doesn't specify how the keys are linked to a value so could be stored via a linked list, tree or any other algorithm. from the usage end you usually don't care what the algorithm only that they work so you use a generic dictionary and only shift to one of the other structures only when you need to enfore the type of algorithm