我下载了TortoiseHg 1.0进行评估。我怎么也想不出怎么做树枝。它似乎理解分支(例如在它的存储库浏览器中),但我似乎找不到一种方法来创建一个分支。这似乎是一个非常基本的功能,因为DVC经常被吹捧的好处是轻量级分支。
Update: So I flagged Chad Birch's answer below to answer the "new branch" issue. As he correctly points out, you do a commit and then click on the branch button to bring up the branch maintenance dialog which is where you create new branches. I kind of wish they had given us a context menu option for this. Once you've branched, the next natural question is how to merge and this is also not obvious. It turns out that option is buried in the repository explorer. You need to select the head of another branch, right-click and then select "Merge with...".