
大多数*nixes都有一个命令,可以让您将输出管道/重定向到本地剪贴板/粘贴板,并从中检索。在OS X上,这些命令是

pbcopy, pbpaste 


我用的是电脑A。 我打开一个终端窗口 我SSH到计算机B 我在计算机B上运行一个命令 计算机B的输出被重定向或自动复制到计算机A的剪贴板。




对于任何通过谷歌搜索到这个的人来说: 在这个时代,最好的解决方案似乎是柠檬水




$ xclip -help
Usage: xclip [OPTION] [FILE]...
Access an X server selection for reading or writing.

  -i, -in          read text into X selection from standard input or files
  -o, -out         prints the selection to standard out (generally for
                   piping to a file or program)
  -l, -loops       number of selection requests to wait for before exiting
  -d, -display     X display to connect to (eg localhost:0")
  -h, -help        usage information
      -selection   selection to access ("primary", "secondary", "clipboard" or "buffer-cut")
      -noutf8      don't treat text as utf-8, use old unicode
      -version     version information
      -silent      errors only, run in background (default)
      -quiet       run in foreground, show what's happening
      -verbose     running commentary

Report bugs to <astrand@lysator.liu.se>
$ xsel -help
Usage: xsel [options]
Manipulate the X selection.

By default the current selection is output and not modified if both
standard input and standard output are terminals (ttys).  Otherwise,
the current selection is output if standard output is not a terminal
(tty), and the selection is set from standard input if standard input
is not a terminal (tty). If any input or output options are given then
the program behaves only in the requested mode.

If both input and output is required then the previous selection is
output before being replaced by the contents of standard input.

Input options
  -a, --append          Append standard input to the selection
  -f, --follow          Append to selection as standard input grows
  -i, --input           Read standard input into the selection

Output options
  -o, --output          Write the selection to standard output

Action options
  -c, --clear           Clear the selection
  -d, --delete          Request that the selection be cleared and that
                        the application owning it delete its contents

Selection options
  -p, --primary         Operate on the PRIMARY selection (default)
  -s, --secondary       Operate on the SECONDARY selection
  -b, --clipboard       Operate on the CLIPBOARD selection

  -k, --keep            Do not modify the selections, but make the PRIMARY
                        and SECONDARY selections persist even after the
                        programs they were selected in exit.
  -x, --exchange        Exchange the PRIMARY and SECONDARY selections

X options
  --display displayname
                        Specify the connection to the X server
  -t ms, --selectionTimeout ms
                        Specify the timeout in milliseconds within which the
                        selection must be retrieved. A value of 0 (zero)
                        specifies no timeout (default)

Miscellaneous options
  -l, --logfile         Specify file to log errors to when detached.
  -n, --nodetach        Do not detach from the controlling terminal. Without
                        this option, xsel will fork to become a background
                        process in input, exchange and keep modes.

  -h, --help            Display this help and exit
  -v, --verbose         Print informative messages
  --version             Output version information and exit

Please report bugs to <conrad@vergenet.net>.

简而言之,您应该尝试xclip -i/xclip -o或xclip -i -sel clip/xclip -o -sel clip或xsel -i/xsel -o或xsel -i -b/xsel -o -b,这取决于您想要什么。

对于任何通过谷歌搜索到这个的人来说: 在这个时代,最好的解决方案似乎是柠檬水


如果你在Kubernetes集群中的pod上工作,而不是直接使用SSH,所以你没有办法进行文件传输,你可以使用cat,然后将终端输出保存为文本。例如,在macOS中,您可以执行Shell ->导出为文本。


Usage: it2copy
          Copies to clipboard from standard input
       it2copy filename
          Copies to clipboard from file

要使其工作,请在登录到远程主机时选择iTerm2—>Install Shell Integration菜单项,将其安装到您自己的帐户中。完成此操作后,您就可以访问it2copy以及其他一些别名命令,这些命令提供了很酷的功能。



必要时安装netcat 使用termbin: cat ~/some_file.txt | nc termbin.com 9999。这将把输出复制到termbin网站,并将URL打印到输出中。 从您的计算机访问该url,您将获得输出
