5 8 * * 6
5 8 * * 6
10 * * *太阳
Position 1 for minutes, allowed values are 1-60
position 2 for hours, allowed values are 1-24
position 3 for day of month ,allowed values are 1-31
position 4 for month ,allowed values are 1-12
position 5 for day of week ,allowed values are 1-7 or and the day starts at Monday.
@每周工作对我更好! 例如,添加crontab -e,它将在每个周日0:00 AM工作 @weekly /root/fd/databasebackup/week.sh >> ~/test.txt
10 * * *太阳
Position 1 for minutes, allowed values are 1-60
position 2 for hours, allowed values are 1-24
position 3 for day of month ,allowed values are 1-31
position 4 for month ,allowed values are 1-12
position 5 for day of week ,allowed values are 1-7 or and the day starts at Monday.
# 1. Entry: Minute when the process will be started [0-60]
# 2. Entry: Hour when the process will be started [0-23]
# 3. Entry: Day of the month when the process will be started [1-28/29/30/31]
# 4. Entry: Month of the year when the process will be started [1-12]
# 5. Entry: Weekday when the process will be started [0-6] [0 is Sunday]
# all x min = */x
所以根据这个,你的5 8 * * 0会在每周日8:05运行。