


使用-o ConnectTimeout和-o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no。

ConnectTimeout使脚本不挂起,BatchMode使脚本不挂起Host unknown, YES添加到known_hosts, StrictHostKeyChecking自动添加指纹。

**** NOTE **** The "StrictHostKeyChecking" was only intended for internal networks where you trust you hosts. Depending on the version of the SSH client, the "Are you sure you want to add your fingerprint" can cause the client to hang indefinitely (mainly old versions running on AIX). Most modern versions do not suffer from this issue. If you have to deal with fingerprints with multiple hosts, I recommend maintaining the known_hosts file with some sort of configuration management tool like puppet/ansible/chef/salt/etc.


使用-o ConnectTimeout和-o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no。

ConnectTimeout使脚本不挂起,BatchMode使脚本不挂起Host unknown, YES添加到known_hosts, StrictHostKeyChecking自动添加指纹。

**** NOTE **** The "StrictHostKeyChecking" was only intended for internal networks where you trust you hosts. Depending on the version of the SSH client, the "Are you sure you want to add your fingerprint" can cause the client to hang indefinitely (mainly old versions running on AIX). Most modern versions do not suffer from this issue. If you have to deal with fingerprints with multiple hosts, I recommend maintaining the known_hosts file with some sort of configuration management tool like puppet/ansible/chef/salt/etc.

ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10  <hostName>


"timeout 5 SSH user@machine"对我来说很好。

你也可以用flag -o ServerAliveInterval=<secs>来连接 因此SSH客户端将每<secs>秒向服务器发送一个空包,只是为了保持连接存活。 在Linux中,也可以在/etc/ssh/ssh_config中全局设置,或在~/.ssh/config中每个用户设置。


nohup ./my-script-that-may-take-long-to-finish.sh &

echo "Script ended on Feb 15, 2011, 9:20AM" > /tmp/done.txt
