
.. automodule:: mods.set.tests




从Sphinx 3.1版(2020年6月)开始,Sphinx .ext.autosummary(终于!)具有自动递归。

因此,不再需要硬编码模块名称或依赖第三方库,如Sphinx AutoAPI或Sphinx autopackagsummarmary来进行自动包检测。

示例Python 3.7包文档(见Github上的代码和ReadTheDocs上的结果):

|-- mypackage
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- foo.py
|   |-- mysubpackage
|       |-- __init__.py
|       |-- bar.py
|-- doc
|   |-- source
|       |--index.rst
|       |--conf.py
|       |-- _templates
|           |-- custom-module-template.rst
|           |-- custom-class-template.rst


import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))  # Source code dir relative to this file

extensions = [
    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',  # Core library for html generation from docstrings
    'sphinx.ext.autosummary',  # Create neat summary tables
autosummary_generate = True  # Turn on sphinx.ext.autosummary

# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']

索引。RST(注意new:recursive: option):

Welcome to My Toolbox

Some words.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: _autosummary
   :template: custom-module-template.rst





复制网站/ sphinx / ext / autosummary /模板/ autosummary /模块。RST到mytoolbox/doc/source/_templates/custom-module-template.rst 复制网站/ sphinx / ext / autosummary /模板/ autosummary /类。RST到mytoolbox/doc/source/_templates/custom-class-template.rst



{{ fullname | escape | underline}}

.. automodule:: {{ fullname }}
   {% block attributes %}
   {% if attributes %}
   .. rubric:: Module Attributes

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
   {% for item in attributes %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block functions %}
   {% if functions %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Functions') }}

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
   {% for item in functions %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block classes %}
   {% if classes %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Classes') }}

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
      :template: custom-class-template.rst               <-- add this line
   {% for item in classes %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block exceptions %}
   {% if exceptions %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Exceptions') }}

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
   {% for item in exceptions %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

{% block modules %}
{% if modules %}
.. rubric:: Modules

.. autosummary::
   :template: custom-module-template.rst                 <-- add this line
{% for item in modules %}
   {{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}


{{ fullname | escape | underline}}

.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}

.. autoclass:: {{ objname }}
   :members:                                    <-- add at least this line
   :show-inheritance:                           <-- plus I want to show inheritance...
   :inherited-members:                          <-- ...and inherited members too

   {% block methods %}
   .. automethod:: __init__

   {% if methods %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Methods') }}

   .. autosummary::
   {% for item in methods %}
      ~{{ name }}.{{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block attributes %}
   {% if attributes %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Attributes') }}

   .. autosummary::
   {% for item in attributes %}
      ~{{ name }}.{{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}


从Sphinx 3.1版(2020年6月)开始,Sphinx .ext.autosummary(终于!)具有自动递归。

因此,不再需要硬编码模块名称或依赖第三方库,如Sphinx AutoAPI或Sphinx autopackagsummarmary来进行自动包检测。

示例Python 3.7包文档(见Github上的代码和ReadTheDocs上的结果):

|-- mypackage
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- foo.py
|   |-- mysubpackage
|       |-- __init__.py
|       |-- bar.py
|-- doc
|   |-- source
|       |--index.rst
|       |--conf.py
|       |-- _templates
|           |-- custom-module-template.rst
|           |-- custom-class-template.rst


import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))  # Source code dir relative to this file

extensions = [
    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',  # Core library for html generation from docstrings
    'sphinx.ext.autosummary',  # Create neat summary tables
autosummary_generate = True  # Turn on sphinx.ext.autosummary

# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']

索引。RST(注意new:recursive: option):

Welcome to My Toolbox

Some words.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: _autosummary
   :template: custom-module-template.rst





复制网站/ sphinx / ext / autosummary /模板/ autosummary /模块。RST到mytoolbox/doc/source/_templates/custom-module-template.rst 复制网站/ sphinx / ext / autosummary /模板/ autosummary /类。RST到mytoolbox/doc/source/_templates/custom-class-template.rst



{{ fullname | escape | underline}}

.. automodule:: {{ fullname }}
   {% block attributes %}
   {% if attributes %}
   .. rubric:: Module Attributes

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
   {% for item in attributes %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block functions %}
   {% if functions %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Functions') }}

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
   {% for item in functions %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block classes %}
   {% if classes %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Classes') }}

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
      :template: custom-class-template.rst               <-- add this line
   {% for item in classes %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block exceptions %}
   {% if exceptions %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Exceptions') }}

   .. autosummary::
      :toctree:                                          <-- add this line
   {% for item in exceptions %}
      {{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

{% block modules %}
{% if modules %}
.. rubric:: Modules

.. autosummary::
   :template: custom-module-template.rst                 <-- add this line
{% for item in modules %}
   {{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}


{{ fullname | escape | underline}}

.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}

.. autoclass:: {{ objname }}
   :members:                                    <-- add at least this line
   :show-inheritance:                           <-- plus I want to show inheritance...
   :inherited-members:                          <-- ...and inherited members too

   {% block methods %}
   .. automethod:: __init__

   {% if methods %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Methods') }}

   .. autosummary::
   {% for item in methods %}
      ~{{ name }}.{{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

   {% block attributes %}
   {% if attributes %}
   .. rubric:: {{ _('Attributes') }}

   .. autosummary::
   {% for item in attributes %}
      ~{{ name }}.{{ item }}
   {%- endfor %}
   {% endif %}
   {% endblock %}

Sphinx AutoAPI正是这样做的。


我不知道Sphinx在最初的问题提出时是否有自动摘要扩展,但现在很有可能在不使用Sphinx -apidoc或类似脚本的情况下设置自动生成。下面是我的一个项目的设置。

Enable autosummary extension (as well as autodoc) in conf.py file and set its autosummary_generate option to True. This may be enough if you're not using custom *.rst templates. Otherwise add your templates directory to exclude list, or autosummary will try to treat them as input files (which seems to be a bug). extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosummary'] autosummary_generate = True templates_path = [ '_templates' ] exclude_patterns = ['_build', '_templates'] Use autosummary:: in TOC tree in your index.rst file. In this example documentation for modules project.module1 and project.module2 will be generated automatically and placed into _autosummary directory. PROJECT ======= .. toctree:: .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary project.module1 project.module2 By default autosummary will generate only very short summaries for modules and their functions. To change that you can put a custom template file into _templates/autosummary/module.rst (which will be parsed with Jinja2): {{ fullname }} {{ underline }} .. automodule:: {{ fullname }} :members:





该脚本现在作为apidoc作为Sphinx 1.1的一部分。