


git ls-files -z | xargs -0n1 git blame -w | perl -n -e '/^.*\((.*?)\s*[\d]{4}/; print $1,"\n"' | sort -f | uniq -c | sort -n




use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my $dir = shift;

die "Please provide a directory name to check\n"
    unless $dir;

chdir $dir
    or die "Failed to enter the specified directory '$dir': $!\n";

if ( ! open(GIT_LS,'-|','git ls-files') ) {
    die "Failed to process 'git ls-files': $!\n";
my %stats;
while (my $file = <GIT_LS>) {
    chomp $file;
    if ( ! open(GIT_LOG,'-|',"git log --numstat $file") ) {
        die "Failed to process 'git log --numstat $file': $!\n";
    my $author;
    while (my $log_line = <GIT_LOG>) {
        if ( $log_line =~ m{^Author:\s*([^<]*?)\s*<([^>]*)>} ) {
            $author = lc($1);
        elsif ( $log_line =~ m{^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)} ) {
            my $added = $1;
            my $removed = $2;
            my $file = $3;
            $stats{total}{by_author}{$author}{added}        += $added;
            $stats{total}{by_author}{$author}{removed}      += $removed;
            $stats{total}{by_author}{total}{added}          += $added;
            $stats{total}{by_author}{total}{removed}        += $removed;

            $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}{added}   += $added;
            $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}{removed} += $removed;
            $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{added}     += $added;
            $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{removed}   += $removed;
    close GIT_LOG;

    if ( ! open(GIT_BLAME,'-|',"git blame -w $file") ) {
        die "Failed to process 'git blame -w $file': $!\n";
    while (my $log_line = <GIT_BLAME>) {
        if ( $log_line =~ m{\((.*?)\s+\d{4}} ) {
            my $author = $1;
            $stats{final}{by_author}{$author}     ++;

            $stats{final}{by_author}{total}       ++;
            $stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{total}  ++;
            $stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{total}  ++;
    close GIT_BLAME;
close GIT_LS;

print "Total lines committed by author by file\n";
printf "%25s %25s %8s %8s %9s\n",'file','author','added','removed','pct add';
foreach my $file (sort keys %{$stats{total}{by_file}}) {
    printf "%25s %4.0f%%\n",$file
    foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}}) {
        next if $author eq 'total';
        if ( $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{added} ) {
            printf "%25s %25s %8d %8d %8.0f%%\n",'', $author,@{$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}}{qw{added removed}}
        } else {
            printf "%25s %25s %8d %8d\n",'', $author,@{$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}}{qw{added removed}} ;
print "\n";

print "Total lines in the final project by author by file\n";
printf "%25s %25s %8s %9s %9s\n",'file','author','final','percent', '% of all';
foreach my $file (sort keys %{$stats{final}{by_file}}) {
    printf "%25s %4.0f%%\n",$file
    foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}}) {
        next if $author eq 'total';
        printf "%25s %25s %8d %8.0f%% %8.0f%%\n",'', $author,$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{$author}
print "\n";

print "Total lines committed by author\n";
printf "%25s %8s %8s %9s\n",'author','added','removed','pct add';
foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{total}{by_author}}) {
    next if $author eq 'total';
    printf "%25s %8d %8d %8.0f%%\n",$author,@{$stats{total}{by_author}{$author}}{qw{added removed}}
print "\n";

print "Total lines in the final project by author\n";
printf "%25s %8s %9s\n",'author','final','percent';
foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{final}{by_author}}) {
    printf "%25s %8d %8.0f%%\n",$author,$stats{final}{by_author}{$author}

@mmrobins @AaronM @ErikZ @JamesMishra提供的变体都有一个共同的问题:他们要求git生成不用于脚本使用的信息的混合物,包括来自存储库的行内容在同一行,然后用regexp匹配混乱。



git ls-files -z | xargs -0n1 git blame -w --line-porcelain | grep -a "^author " | sort -f | uniq -c | sort -n

您可以grep其他字符串,如author-mail, committer等。

也许首先要导出LC_ALL=C(假设是bash)以强制进行字节级处理(这碰巧也大大加快了来自基于utf -8的区域设置的grep的速度)。


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

# save the args to pass to the git log command
my $ARGS = join(' ', @ARGV);

#get the repo slug
my $NAME = _get_repo_slug();

#get list of authors
my @authors = _get_authors();
my ($projectFiles, $projectInsertions, $projectDeletions) = (0,0,0);
#for each author
foreach my $author (@authors) {
  my $command = qq{git log $ARGS --author="$author" --oneline --shortstat --no-merges};
  my ($files, $insertions, $deletions) = (0,0,0);
  my @lines = `$command`;
  foreach my $line (@lines) {
    if ($line =~ m/^\s(\d+)\s\w+\s\w+,\s(\d+)\s\w+\([\+|\-]\),\s(\d+)\s\w+\([\+|\-]\)$|^\s(\d+)\s\w+\s\w+,\s(\d+)\s\w+\(([\+|\-])\)$/) {
      my $lineFiles = $1 ? $1 : $4;
      my $lineInsertions = (defined $6 && $6 eq '+') ? $5 : (defined $2) ? $2 : 0;
      my $lineDeletions = (defined $6 && $6 eq '-') ? $5 : (defined $3) ? $3 : 0;
      $files += $lineFiles;
      $insertions += $lineInsertions;
      $deletions += $lineDeletions;
      $projectFiles += $lineFiles;
      $projectInsertions += $lineInsertions;
      $projectDeletions += $lineDeletions;
  if ($files || $insertions || $deletions) {
      $insertions - $deletions

  $projectInsertions - $projectDeletions

exit 0;

#get the remote.origin.url joins that last two pieces (project and repo folder)
#and removes any .git from the results. 
sub _get_repo_slug {
  my $get_remote_url = "git config --get remote.origin.url";
  my $remote_url = `$get_remote_url`;
  chomp $remote_url;

  my @parts = split('/', $remote_url);

  my $slug = join('-', @parts[-2..-1]);
  $slug =~ s/\.git//;

  return $slug;

sub _get_authors {
  my $git_authors = 'git shortlog -s | cut -c8-';
  my @authors = `$git_authors`;
  chomp @authors;

  return @authors;

我将其命名为git-line-changes-by-author,并放入/usr/local/bin。因为它保存在我的路径中,所以我可以在2020-01-01之后发出命令git line-changes-by-author—before 2018-12-31—以获得2019年的报告。举个例子。如果我拼错了名字,git会建议正确的拼写。


除了Charles Bailey的回答之外,您可能还想在命令中添加-C参数。否则,即使文件内容没有被修改,文件重命名也会被视为大量的添加和删除(与文件的行数一样多)。

为了说明,当使用git log——oneline——shortstat命令时,这里有一个从我的一个项目中移动的大量文件的提交:

9052459 Reorganized project structure
 43 files changed, 1049 insertions(+), 1000 deletions(-)

这里使用git log——oneline——shortstat -C命令来检测文件的复制和重命名:

9052459 Reorganized project structure
 27 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)



git shortlog -s -n