From the client perspective:
Clients is the main table
Clients are linked to the department they work for
Departments can be scattered around a country: HR in London, Marketing in Swansea, etc.
Departments are linked to the division of a company
Divisions are linked to the parent company
From the classes perspective:
Sessions is the main table
A teacher is linked to each session
A statusid is given to each session. E.g. 0 - Completed, 1 - Cancelled
Sessions are grouped into "packs" of an arbitrary size
Each packs is assigned to a client
2 & 3)性能的下降很大程度上取决于为特定的查询/过程设置和优化正确的索引,更重要的是记录的数量。除非您的主表中有超过一百万条记录,否则您似乎已经走上了一条足够主流的设计道路,在合理的硬件上,性能不会成为问题。
That said, and this relates to your question 3, with the start you have you probably shouldn't really be overly worried about performance or hyper-sensitivity to normalization orthodoxy here. This is a reporting server you are building, not a transaction based application backend, which would have a much different profile with respect to the importance of performance or normalization. A database backing a live signup and scheduling application has to be mindful of queries that take seconds to return data. Not only does a report server function have more tolerance for complex and lengthy queries, but the strategies to improve performance are much different.
For example, in a transaction based application environment your performance improvement options might include refactoring your stored procedures and table structures to the nth degree, or developing a caching strategy for small amounts of commonly requested data. In a reporting environment you can certainly do this but you can have an even greater impact on performance by introducing a snapshot mechanism where a scheduled process runs and stores pre-configured reports and your users access the snapshot data with no stress on your db tier on a per request basis.
The tables seemed geared to reporting, but not really running the business. I would think when a client signs up, there's essentially an order being placed for the client attending a list of sessions, and that order might be for multiple employees in one company. It would seem an "order" table would really be at the center of your system and driving your data capture and eventual reporting. (Compare the paper documents you've been using to run the business with your database design to see if there's a logical match.)
Companies often don't have divisions. Employees sometimes change divisions/departments, maybe even mid-session. Companies sometimes add/delete/rename divisions/departments. Make sure the possible realtime changing contents of your tables doesn't make subsequent reporting/grouping difficult. With so much contact data split over so many tables, you might have to enforce very strict data entry validation to keep your reports meaningful and inclusive. Eg, when a new client is added, making sure his company/division/department/city match the same values as his coworkers.
The "packs" concept isn't clear at all.
Since you indicate it's a small business, it would be surprising if performance would be an issue, considering the speed and capacity of current machines.
我认为在你的设计中,国家和公司实际上是同一个实体,城市和部门也是如此。我将去掉国家和城市表(以及Cities_Has_Departments),并在必要时向公司表添加一个布尔标志IsPublicSector(如果除了简单的Private Sector / PublicSector之外还有其他选择,则添加CompanyType列)。
Also, I think there's an error in your usage of the Departments table. It looks like the Departments table serves as a reference to the various kinds of departments that each customer division can have. If so, it should be called DepartmentTypes. But your clients (who are, I assume, attendees) do not belong to a department TYPE, they belong to an actual department instance in a company. As it stands now, you will know that a given client belongs to an HR department somewhere, but not which one!