
npm install jade -g

Jade安装在“C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules”目录下,但下面的代码将失败,并提示“无法找到模块' Jade '”错误。

var jade = require('jade');



我花了一段时间让全局模块工作。最后,我显式地将C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\npm添加到“系统变量”下的PATH变量中。我还需要将这个变量放在列表中的nodejs path变量之前。

我用的是Windows 10。


如果你在windows7平台上,也许你应该像这样改变NODE_PATH: % AppData % \ npm \ node_modules


Edit/add User variables (of the upper box) instead of System variables (of the lower part); otherwise you have to "run as administrator" to get it work. Append ;%AppData%\npm to Path in order to use it as a command line tool (if supported, like jshint and grunt-cli). Create NODE_PATH and set it %AppData%\npm\node_modules in order to require('<pkg_name>') in scripts without install it in the project directory. (But npm link is suggested for this requirement if you're working on OS with mklink such as Vista and newer.)


赢7 (Ent。, 64位,SP1), Node.js 4.2.4, npm 2.14.12 win8.1 (Ent。, 64位),Node.js 0.10.30, npm 1.4.21

添加一个名为NODE_PATH的环境变量,并将其设置为%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\npm\node_modules (Windows XP), %AppData%\npm\node_modules (Windows 7/8/10),或者npm最终在Windows版本上安装模块的任何地方。为了一劳永逸地完成它,在系统属性对话框的高级选项卡中添加这个系统变量(运行control.exe sysdm.cpl,System,3)。

Windows 7+的快速解决方案是运行:

rem for future
setx NODE_PATH %AppData%\npm\node_modules
rem for current session
set NODE_PATH=%AppData%\npm\node_modules

值得一提的是,NODE_PATH只在导入Node应用中的模块时使用。当你想在你的CLI中使用全局安装模块的二进制文件时,你需要将它也添加到你的PATH中,但不需要node_modules部分(例如Windows 7/8/10中的%AppData%\npm)。



-g is not a way to install global libraries, it's only a way to place them on system path so you can call them from command line without writing the full path to them. It is useful, for example, then node app is converting local files, like less — if you install it globally you can use it in any directory. node.js itself didn't look at the npm global dir, it is using another algorithm to find required files: http://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_file_modules (basically its scanning every folder in the path, starting from the current for node_modules folder and checks it).


我必须添加以下路径变量下的系统变量。在用户变量下设置变量不适合我。我用的是windows 11。


从我使用win8.1的经验来看,npm在上面安装模块 C:\Users\【用户名】\ AppData \ \ npm \ node_modules徘徊 但他却继续搜索 C:\Users\【用户名】\ node_modules。


var jsonminify = require("C:/Users/Saulius/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/jsonminify");