我在运行iOS 5的iPhone模拟器中保存了一些截图,但我找不到它们。




更换设备:硬件>设备>iPhone(Retina 4英寸)

按Command + S




If you create screenshots from within the simulator using File -> Save Screen Shot (Command-S), those files end up on the Desktop as something like: iOS Simulator Screen shot Apr 22, 2012.png. Under Xcode 6 & newer, device screenshots taken with the "Take Screenshot" button in the Xcode "Devices" menu will end up on the desktop. Look for a file named "Screen Shot 2014-MM-DD at HH.MM.SS.png" For Xcode 5 & older, if you create screenshots from within Xcode (Organizer), you'll find these in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Screenshots. To take screenshots from the Xcode (Organizer) you need to have hardware device attached. The organizer does not appear to take screenshots from the simulator.


If you create screenshots using the Finder (command-shift-3 or command-shift-4), these also end up on the Desktop as something like: "Screen Shot 2012-04-22 at _ AM.png" If you use the Grab application (found in /Application/Utilities), you can save those files anywhere you decide. :-) If you have saved a screenshot to the Photos library from within your app, for example with UIGetScreenImage and UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum, they end up at ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/***version***/Media/DCIM/100APPLE


我浏览了所有我找不到截图保存在哪里的帖子…… 所以,我只是使用command+shift+4,释放键后,你会看到一个牛眼在你的鼠标指针。单击并拖动要复制的屏幕部分。一旦释放你的鼠标点击图像将存储在你的桌面。比弄清楚模拟器在哪里存储截图要好。
