当我检查源代码时,PHP代码显示为HTML标记(我可以在源代码中看到它)。Apache运行正常(我正在使用XAMPP), PHP页面正在正常打开,但PHP代码没有被执行。
编辑: 代码. .:
当我检查源代码时,PHP代码显示为HTML标记(我可以在源代码中看到它)。Apache运行正常(我正在使用XAMPP), PHP页面正在正常打开,但PHP代码没有被执行。
编辑: 代码. .:
我在High Sierra (OS X 10.13.5)附带的php 7.1上遇到了这个问题,编辑/etc/apache2/httpd.conf进行以下更改有帮助:
取消注释这行 LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/libphp7.so 将下面的粘贴到末尾 < IfModule php7_module > AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .php < IfModule dir_module > DirectoryIndex index.html index.php < / IfModule > < / IfModule >
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.3
sudo service apache2 restart
Make sure that PHP is installed and running correctly. This may sound silly, but you never know. An easy way to check is to run php -v from a command line and see if returns version information or any errors. Make sure that the PHP module is listed and uncommented inside of your Apache's httpd.conf This should be something like LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll" in the file. Search for LoadModule php, and make sure that there is no comment (;) in front of it. Make sure that Apache's httpd.conf file has the PHP MIME type in it. This should be something like AddType application/x-httpd-php .php. This tells Apache to run .php files as PHP. Search for AddType, and then make sure there is an entry for PHP, and that it is uncommented. Make sure your file has the .php extension on it, or whichever extension specified in the MIME definition in point #3, otherwise it will not be executed as PHP. Make sure you are not using short tags in the PHP file (<?), these are not enabled on all servers by default and their use is discouraged. Use <?php instead (or enable short tags in your php.ini with short_open_tag=On if you have code that relies on them). Make sure you are accessing your file over your webserver using an URL like http://localhost/file.php not via local file access file://localhost/www/file.php
我通过卸载XAMPP并安装WAMP解决了这个问题。 谢谢你的帮助。
It is possible to install phpmyadmin on raspberry 64 bit and it even was not difficult in my case. I am running several hp-laptops with openSuse Tumbleweed and some Raspberries. On the latest Raspberry 3 B + I 64bit raspbian buster light, kde plasma Desktop. Linux raspi10 5.10.60-v8+ #1449 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 25 15:01:33 BST 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux I am using nginx 1.14.2 with fastcgi (not using 'sock') and php 8.0.10 (php-fpm). I downloaded 'composer' first. (Use apt or aptitude for that). After that go to https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/setup.html Look for the shell command
composer create-project phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
它将在当前目录中安装一个完整的目录'phpmyadmin'。 移动到/var/lib/并根据nginx.conf中的设置设置user:group权限 在我的例子中: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/phpmyadmin
创建一个符号链接到/srv/www/public或/var/www/html或任何你的服务器正在寻找的东西。 您可以向phpMyAdmin添加第二个名为phpMyAdmin的符号链接 确保nginx.conf中的根指令相应设置。
我的nginx配置在我的所有机器上(几乎)是相同的。 它现在非常紧凑。 这是最简单的方法。所有进一步的服务器和功能可以稍后添加。 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled没有条目 /etc/nginx/vhosts.d中没有任何内容 从php.ini中的一个池开始。为了配置它,谷歌一点和测试 通过检查php-fpm的状态。
你只是把php文件打开到浏览器。你必须使用localhost url打开它。如果您直接从目录中打开一个文件,在任何情况下它都不会执行PHP代码。
启用php短代码。在本例中,您使用<?这是<? PHP的PHP短代码。默认情况下,php短代码是禁用的。
如果你是ubuntu用户,也可以使用:sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt。