我正在做一个移动网站,想用我的iPhone浏览器测试一下。我的Windows 7电脑和iPhone都在同一个无线网络上。如何从iPhone访问localhost ?现在我得到一个404错误。
For Mac users, open up the Network Utility (You can find this by typing cmd + space which will open spotlight and then in spotlight start typing Network Utility). Select Network Utility, when it's open, your IP address will be found next to the label IP Address. So basically with the IP, you can get into any open ports on your local mac e.g. if your website is running locally on localhost:3000 and your ip address is then from your phone you can get the website simply by typing into a browser.
如果您在该IP上存在的机器上运行Homestead,那么浏览http://mysite.app. (URL中包含端口)会以某种方式显示Homestead Vagrant虚拟机上的页面,地址为192.168.10.10。很神奇的。
In your OS, change the name of your computer to something short, meaningful, and easy to remember, such as "RYANDESK". In your DD-WRT router settings: In Services > Services > Static Leases, set the MAC address of your server to point to a specific IP address, such as Set its hostname to be the same as you named your computer earlier. "Client Lease Time" can be 1440 minutes. Be sure to press Save and also Apply Settings with every change. ("Save" doesn't seem to automatically apply the settings.) If you get an error, it's probably because the GUI design of DD-WRT is misleading, and you unnecessarily pressed "Add" for Static Leases. In DHCP Server > User Domain, choose "LAN & WAN". For "LAN Domain", set it to some short string, such as your initials without any punctuation (e.g. "xyz"). Probably avoid using the word "local" since there might be conflicts. Don't use real-world domains such as "com", "org", "net", etc. In Services > Services > DNSMasq, enable DNSMasq and "Local DNS" and configure "Additional DNSMasq Options" to be something like: address=/project1.xyz/project2.xyz/ (where xyz is whatever you chose in the earlier step, the IP points to the specific machine, and project1 and project2 are whatever hostname you want to point to each of those projects (such as different Nginx configs). Ensure that your HOSTS file doesn't have any entries conflicting with what we've done. If you don't know what a HOSTS file is, you're probably fine. Flush your DNS cache and release and renew your local IP. Switch into and out of Airplane Mode on iPhone to flush DNS cache there too. Now you can browse to http://ryandesk.xyz in your iPhone (or in your desktop browser), and it will resolve to your local server. So hopefully you've set up your Nginx or Apache or whatever to be listening for that hostname. https://wiseindy.com/it/how-to-access-your-pcs-using-dns-names-with-dd-wrt/ http://www.howtogeek.com/69696/how-to-access-your-machines-using-dns-names-with-dd-wrt/
如果你用的是Mac -
通过USB连接你的iPhone和Mac。 进入Network Utility (cmd+空格,输入“Network Utility”) 进入“信息”选项卡 点击显示“Wi-Fi”的下拉菜单,如图所示选择“iPhone USB”。
你会发现一个类似“xxx.xxx.xx”的IP地址。或者类似的。打开iPhone的Safari浏览器,输入IP_address:port_number 例如:
如果你进入你的网络设置,并获得Wi-Fi IP地址,如xxx.xxx.x。xxx:9000(:9000或任何开放的端口),确保您的移动设备也在相同的Wi-Fi/信号IP地址上。我花了一天时间试着让它工作,直到我把手机的蜂窝网络切换到相同的Wi-Fi连接/IP地址,它才工作。我一更新就打开了。
重要提示:您必须确保您的服务器(例如Apache Tomcat)处于启动状态
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