我正在寻找Unix 'tail'命令的等效,这将允许我观察日志文件的输出,而它正在被写入。
我使用Tail For Windows。当然没有使用tail那么优雅,但这是在使用Windows。;)
我写了这个批处理脚本。它不像Unix的“尾巴”那么复杂,但希望有人可以添加它来改进它,比如将输出限制在文件的最后10行,等等。如果你确实改进了这个脚本,请发送给我在抢劫~[at]~ gmail.com。
@echo off
:: This is a batch script I wrote to mimic the 'tail' UNIX command.
:: It is far from perfect, but I am posting it in the hopes that it will
:: be improved by other people. This was designed to work on Windows 7.
:: I have not tested it on any other versions of Windows
if "%1" == "" goto noarg
if "%1" == "/?" goto help
if "%1" == "-?" goto help
if NOT EXIST %1 goto notfound
set taildelay=%2
if "%taildelay%"=="" set taildelay=1
type %1
:: I use the CHOICE command to create a delay in batch.
CHOICE /C YN /D Y /N /T %taildelay%
goto loop
:: Error handlers
echo No arguments given. Try /? for help.
goto die
echo The file '%1' could not be found.
goto die
:: Help text
echo TAIL filename [seconds]
:: I use the call more pipe as a way to insert blank lines since echo. doesnt
:: seem to work on Windows 7
call | more
echo Description:
echo This is a Windows version of the UNIX 'tail' command.
echo Written completely from scratch by Andrey G.
call | more
echo Parameters:
echo filename The name of the file to display
call | more
echo [seconds] The number of seconds to delay before reloading the
echo file and displaying it again. Default is set to 1
call | more
echo ú /? Displays this help message
call | more
echo NOTE:
echo To exit while TAIL is running, press CTRL+C.
call | more
echo Example:
echo TAIL foo 5
call | more
echo Will display the contents of the file 'foo',
echo refreshing every 5 seconds.
call | more
:: This is the end
安装MKS Toolkit…这样你就可以在Windows上运行所有的Unix命令。
tail -f <file-name>
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