makeSortString = (function() {
var translate_re = /[¹²³áàâãäåaaaÀÁÂÃÄÅAAAÆccç©CCÇÐÐèéê?ëeeeeeÈÊË?EEEEE€gGiìíîïìiiiÌÍÎÏ?ÌIIIlLnnñNNÑòóôõöoooøÒÓÔÕÖOOOØŒr®Ršs?ߊS?ùúûüuuuuÙÚÛÜUUUUýÿÝŸžzzŽZZ]/g;
var translate = {
return function(s) {
return(s.replace(translate_re, function(match){return translate[match];}) );
var without_accents = makeSortString("wïthêüÄTrèsBïgüeAk100t");
// I let you guess the result,
// no I was kidding you : I give you the result : witheuatresbigueak100t
Tthe instruction inside it is done once (after, makeSortString != undefined)
function(){...} is stored once in makeSortString, so the "big" translate_re and translate objects are stored once
When you call makeSortString('something') it call directly the inside function which calls only s.replace(...) : it is efficient
s.replace uses regexp (the special syntax of var translate_re= .... is in fact equivalent to var translate_re = new RegExp("[¹....Z]","g"); but the compilation of the regexp is done once for all, and the scan of the s String is done one for a call of the function (not for every character as it would be in a loop)
For each character found s.replace calls function(match) where parameter match contains the character found, and it call the corresponding translated character (translate[match])
Translate[match] is probably efficient too as the javascript translate object is probably implemented by javascript with a hashtab or something equivalent and allow the program to find the translated character almost directly and not for instance through a loop on a array of all characters to find the right one (which would be awfully unefficient).