Make a page that if it's opened a certain amount of times or even opened at all, will collect certain information like the IP and whatnot (you can also consider irregularities or patterns but this page shouldn't have to be opened at all). Make a link to this in your page that is hidden with CSS display:none; or left:-9999px; positon:absolute; try to place it in places that are less unlikely to be ignored like where your content falls under and not your footer as sometimes bots can choose to forget about certain parts of a page. In your robots.txt file set a whole bunch of disallow rules to pages you don't want friendly bots (LOL, like they have happy faces!) to gather information on and set this page as one of them. Now, If a friendly bot comes through it should ignore that page. Right but that still isn't good enough. Make a couple more of these pages or somehow re-route a page to accept differnt names. and then place more disallow rules to these trap pages in your robots.txt file alongside pages you want ignored. Collect the IP of these bots or anyone that enters into these pages, don't ban them but make a function to display noodled text in your content like random numbers, copyright notices, specific text strings, display scary pictures, basically anything to hinder your good content. You can also set links that point to a page which will take forever to load ie. in php you can use the sleep() function. This will fight the crawler back if it has some sort of detection to bypass pages that take way too long to load as some well written bots are set to process X amount of links at a time. If you have made specific text strings/sentences why not go to your favorite search engine and search for them, it might show you where your content is ending up.
<a class="someclass" href="../xyz/abc" rel="nofollow" title="sometitle">
<a title="sometitle" href="../xyz/abc" rel="nofollow" class="someclass">
id="p-12802" > id="p-00392"
Show the text in an image. This is quite reliable, and is less of a pain on the user than a CAPTCHA, but means they won't be able to cut and paste and it won't scale prettily or be accessible. Use a CAPTCHA and require it to be completed before returning the page. This is a reliable method, but also the biggest pain to impose on a user. Require the user to sign up for an account before viewing the pages, and confirm their email address. This will be pretty effective, but not totally - a screen-scraper might set up an account and might cleverly program their script to log in for them. If the client's user-agent string is empty, block access. A site-scraping script will often be lazily programmed and won't set a user-agent string, whereas all web browsers will. You can set up a black list of known screen scraper user-agent strings as you discover them. Again, this will only help the lazily-coded ones; a programmer who knows what he's doing can set a user-agent string to impersonate a web browser. Change the URL path often. When you change it, make sure the old one keeps working, but only for as long as one user is likely to have their browser open. Make it hard to predict what the new URL path will be. This will make it difficult for scripts to grab it if their URL is hard-coded. It'd be best to do this with some kind of script.
Skechers: XML <document filename="" height="" width="" title="SKECHERS" linkType="" linkUrl="" imageMap="" href="http://www.bobsfromskechers.com" alt="BOBS from Skechers" title="BOBS from Skechers" /> Chrome Web Store: JSON <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js">{"lang": "en", "parsetags": "explicit"}</script> Bing News: data URL <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ (function() { var x;x=_ge('emb7'); if(x) { x.src='*...*/'; } }() ) Protopage: URL Encoded Strings unescape('Rolling%20Stone%20%3a%20Rock%20and%20Roll%20Daily') TiddlyWiki : HTML Entities + preformatted JSON <pre> {"tiddlers": { "GettingStarted": { "title": "GettingStarted", "text": "Welcome to TiddlyWiki, } } } </pre> Amazon: Lazy Loading amzn.copilot.jQuery=i;amzn.copilot.jQuery(document).ready(function(){d(b);f(c,function() {amzn.copilot.setup({serviceEndPoint:h.vipUrl,isContinuedSession:true})})})},f=function(i,h){var j=document.createElement("script");j.type="text/javascript";j.src=i;j.async=true;j.onload=h;a.appendChild(j)},d=function(h){var i=document.createElement("link");i.type="text/css";i.rel="stylesheet";i.href=h;a.appendChild(i)}})(); amzn.copilot.checkCoPilotSession({jsUrl : 'http://z-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/cs-copilot-customer-js/cs-copilot-customer-js-min-1875890922._V1_.js', cssUrl : 'http://z-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/browser-scripts/cs-copilot-customer-css/cs-copilot-customer-css-min-2367001420._V1_.css', vipUrl : 'https://copilot.amazon.com' XMLCalabash: Namespaced XML + Custom MIME type + Custom File extension <p:declare-step type="pxp:zip"> <p:input port="source" sequence="true" primary="true"/> <p:input port="manifest"/> <p:output port="result"/> <p:option name="href" required="true" cx:type="xsd:anyURI"/> <p:option name="compression-method" cx:type="stored|deflated"/> <p:option name="compression-level" cx:type="smallest|fastest|default|huffman|none"/> <p:option name="command" select="'update'" cx:type="update|freshen|create|delete"/> </p:declare-step>