Android模拟器有点迟钝。对于摩托罗拉Droid和Nexus One等设备,应用程序在实际设备上的运行速度比模拟器快。在测试游戏和视觉效果时,这是一个问题。



我最近从core 2 @ 2.5, 3gb内存换成了i7 @ 1.73, 8gb内存(两个系统都运行Ubuntu 10.10),现在模拟器的运行速度至少快了一倍。投入更多硬件当然会有所帮助。



下面是我的一个工作室的屏幕截图,运行在低端的2012款MacBook Air上:

如果你看不懂文字,这是一个以56.6帧/秒运行的Nexus 7模拟器。额外的(大!)奖励是谷歌播放和谷歌播放服务与虚拟机打包。


如果你没有一个好的显卡(像我一样),选择一个低分辨率的模拟器(例如:Nexus S)

更新当前的Android Studio到Android Studio 2.0,并更新系统映像。

Android Studio 2.0模拟器的运行速度比Android之前的模拟器快3倍,通过ADB的增强,您现在可以将应用程序和数据推送到模拟器,比推送到物理设备快10倍。与物理设备一样,官方Android模拟器也内置了谷歌播放服务,因此您可以测试更多的API功能。最后,新的模拟器具有丰富的新功能来管理呼叫、电池、网络、GPS等。

I think it is because clr virtual machine uses cpu directly without code opcode translation. It may be optimization for clr application or may be windows mobile/window phone 7 started on INTEL proccessor. Android platform based on linux and theoretically you can start android on virtual machine in i686 environment. In this case virtual machines such as vmware could execute some opcodes direcly. But this option will be allowed only if you write on the Java. Because the Java interpret their byte-code or precompile it before execution. see:

Thank you @zest! Worked like a charm. Some things of note: Need to apply Intel's hotfix for the HAXM to deal with kernel panic issue: Also, note, if you have more than one abi, you need to uninstall one due to a bug in the latest version of the Android API (r19): (remove armeabi-v7a in this case, since you want the x86 abi). Other than the 45-minutes it took me to resolve these, it was an very rewarding exercise in terms of the increased performance of the emulator.