我如何从函数 foo 返回一个无同步请求的答案/结果?

我正在尝试从呼叫返回的值,以及将结果分配到函数内部的本地变量,并返回其中一个,但没有这些方式实际上返回答案 - 他们都返回不确定的或无论变量结果的初始值是什么。

一个不同步函数的例子,接受召回(使用 jQuery 的 ajax 函数):

function foo() {
    var result;

        url: '...',
        success: function(response) {
            result = response;
            // return response; // <- I tried that one as well

    return result; // It always returns `undefined`

使用 Node.js 的例子:

function foo() {
    var result;

    fs.readFile("path/to/file", function(err, data) {
        result = data;
        // return data; // <- I tried that one as well

    return result; // It always returns `undefined`


function foo() {
    var result;

    fetch(url).then(function(response) {
        result = response;
        // return response; // <- I tried that one as well

    return result; // It always returns `undefined`


function findItem() {
    var item;
    while(item_not_found) {
        // search
    return item;

var item = findItem();

// Do something with item

findItem(function(item) {
    // Do something with the item

重要: 您只能在一个 async 函数或 JavaScript 模块中使用等待。 顶级等待不支持模块之外,因此您可能需要创建一个 async IIFE (即时邀请函数表达) 以启动一个 async 背景,如果不使用模块。

// Using 'superagent' which will return a promise.
var superagent = require('superagent')

// This is isn't declared as `async` because it already returns a promise
function delay() {
  // `delay` returns a promise
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // Only `delay` is able to resolve or reject the promise
    setTimeout(function() {
      resolve(42); // After 3 seconds, resolve the promise with value 42
    }, 3000);

async function getAllBooks() {
  try {
    // GET a list of book IDs of the current user
    var bookIDs = await superagent.get('/user/books');
    // wait for 3 seconds (just for the sake of this example)
    await delay();
    // GET information about each book
    return superagent.get('/books/ids='+JSON.stringify(bookIDs));
  } catch(error) {
    // If any of the awaited promises was rejected, this catch block
    // would catch the rejection reason
    return null;

// Start an IIFE to use `await` at the top level
(async function(){
  let books = await getAllBooks();

var result = foo();
// Code that depends on 'result'

foo(function(result) {
    // Code that depends on 'result'

function myCallback(result) {
    // Code that depends on 'result'


function foo(callback) {
        // ...
        success: callback

function foo(callback) {
        // ...
        success: function(response) {
            // For example, filter the response

更多关于承诺的信息: HTML5 Rocks - JavaScript 承诺。


function ajax() {
    return $.ajax(...);

ajax().done(function(result) {
    // Code depending on result
}).fail(function() {
    // An error occurred

function checkPassword() {
    return $.ajax({
        url: '/password',
        data: {
            username: $('#username').val(),
            password: $('#password').val()
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json'

if (checkPassword()) {
    // Tell the user they're logged in


.done(function(r) {
    if (r) {
        // Tell the user they're logged in
    } else {
        // Tell the user their password was bad
.fail(function(x) {
    // Tell the user something bad happened



没有 jQuery


function foo() {
    var jqXHR = $.ajax({
        async: false
    return jqXHR.responseText;

如果您使用任何其他 jQuery Ajax 方法,如 $.get, $.getJSON 等,您必须将其更改为 $.ajax (因为您只能将配置参数转移到 $.ajax)。


使用 ES2017 您应该将此作为功能声明。

async function foo() {
  var response = await $.ajax({url: '...'})
  return response;


(async function() {
  try {
    var result = await foo()
  } catch (e) {}


foo().then(response => {

}).catch(error => {


Stack Snippet 显示上面的代码。

// 函数声明: async 函数 foo() { var 回复 = 等待 $.ajax({ url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1' }) 返回回回复; } // 执行此类: (async 函数() { 尝试 { var 结果 = 等待 foo() console.log(result) } 捕捉(e) {} }() // 或使用 承诺 合成: foo().then(回复 => { console.log(response) }。

function findItem() {
    var item;
    while(item_not_found) {
        // search
    return item;

var item = findItem();

// Do something with item

findItem(function(item) {
    // Do something with the item

重要: 您只能在一个 async 函数或 JavaScript 模块中使用等待。 顶级等待不支持模块之外,因此您可能需要创建一个 async IIFE (即时邀请函数表达) 以启动一个 async 背景,如果不使用模块。

// Using 'superagent' which will return a promise.
var superagent = require('superagent')

// This is isn't declared as `async` because it already returns a promise
function delay() {
  // `delay` returns a promise
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // Only `delay` is able to resolve or reject the promise
    setTimeout(function() {
      resolve(42); // After 3 seconds, resolve the promise with value 42
    }, 3000);

async function getAllBooks() {
  try {
    // GET a list of book IDs of the current user
    var bookIDs = await superagent.get('/user/books');
    // wait for 3 seconds (just for the sake of this example)
    await delay();
    // GET information about each book
    return superagent.get('/books/ids='+JSON.stringify(bookIDs));
  } catch(error) {
    // If any of the awaited promises was rejected, this catch block
    // would catch the rejection reason
    return null;

// Start an IIFE to use `await` at the top level
(async function(){
  let books = await getAllBooks();

var result = foo();
// Code that depends on 'result'

foo(function(result) {
    // Code that depends on 'result'

function myCallback(result) {
    // Code that depends on 'result'


function foo(callback) {
        // ...
        success: callback

function foo(callback) {
        // ...
        success: function(response) {
            // For example, filter the response

更多关于承诺的信息: HTML5 Rocks - JavaScript 承诺。


function ajax() {
    return $.ajax(...);

ajax().done(function(result) {
    // Code depending on result
}).fail(function() {
    // An error occurred

function checkPassword() {
    return $.ajax({
        url: '/password',
        data: {
            username: $('#username').val(),
            password: $('#password').val()
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json'

if (checkPassword()) {
    // Tell the user they're logged in


.done(function(r) {
    if (r) {
        // Tell the user they're logged in
    } else {
        // Tell the user their password was bad
.fail(function(x) {
    // Tell the user something bad happened



没有 jQuery


function foo() {
    var jqXHR = $.ajax({
        async: false
    return jqXHR.responseText;

如果您使用任何其他 jQuery Ajax 方法,如 $.get, $.getJSON 等,您必须将其更改为 $.ajax (因为您只能将配置参数转移到 $.ajax)。


function foo() {
    var data;
    // Or $.get(...).then, or request(...).then, or query(...).then
        data = response.json();
    return data;

var result = foo(); // 'result' is always undefined no matter what.


function delay(ms){ // Takes amount of milliseconds
    // Returns a new promise
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        setTimeout(function(){ // When the time is up,
            resolve(); // change the promise to the fulfilled state
        }, ms);

基本上,而不是返回一个值,我们不能因为竞争模式 - 我们正在返回一个值,我们可以与它无缝。

function foo() {
    // RETURN the promise
    return fetch("/echo/json").then(function(response){
        return response.json(); // Process it inside the `then`

    // Access the value inside the `then`

function* foo(){ // Notice the star. This is ES6, so new browsers, Nodes.js, and io.js only
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    while(true) yield 3;

var foo = coroutine(function*(){
    var data = yield fetch("/echo/json"); // Notice the yield
    // The code here only executes _after_ the request is done
    return data.json(); // 'data' is defined

var main = coroutine(function*(){
   var bar = yield foo(); // Wait our earlier coroutine. It returns a promise
   // The server call is done here, and the code below executes when done
   var baz = yield fetch("/api/users/" + bar.userid); // Depends on foo's result
   console.log(baz); // Runs after both requests are done



async function foo(){
    var data = await fetch("/echo/json"); // Notice the await
    // code here only executes _after_ the request is done
    return data.json(); // 'data' is defined


请求以无同步的方式工作,所以你不能像典型代码那样同步阅读数据。 但是,使用 async/await 你可以创建一个与常见的同步/序列风格相似的无同步代码. 处理响应数据的代码必须由一个无同步函数(在下面的剪辑中加载)并在它里面你需要在 foo()(whic)之前添加等待关键字。

async 函数 foo() { var url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1'; var result = (await fetch(url)).text(); // 或.json() return result; } async 函数 load() { var result = await foo(); console.log(result); } load();


另一个解决方案是通过序列执行器 nsynjs 执行代码。

nsynjs 将连续评估所有承诺,并将承诺结果列入数据属性:

函数同步Code() { var getURL = 函数(url) { return window.fetch(url).data.text().data; }; var url = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js'; console.log('收到的比特:',getURL(url).length); }; nsynjs.run(同步Code,{},函数(){ console.log('同步Code done'); }; <script src="https://rawgit.com/amaksr/


步骤 1 将函数与呼叫回归到 nsynjs-aware 插槽中(如果它有一个有前途的版本,你可以错过这个步骤):

var ajaxGet = function (ctx,url) {
    var res = {};
    var ex;
    .done(function (data) {
        res.data = data;
    .fail(function(e) {
        ex = e;
    .always(function() {
    return res;
ajaxGet.nsynjsHasCallback = true;

function process() {
    console.log('got data:', ajaxGet(nsynjsCtx, "data/file1.json").data);

步骤3:通过 nsynjs 以同步方式运行函数:

nsynjs.run(process,this,function () {
    console.log("synchronous function finished");

Nsynjs 将逐步评估所有运营商和表达式,如果某些缓慢功能的结果不准备好,则停止执行。
