有人将称为 Git 推力源测试的分支推向共享仓库 。 我可以看到有 git 分支 -r 的分支 。 我如何查看远程测试分支 ? 我试过 :

git 检出测试, 它不会给 git 检出源/ 测试提供任何结果 * (无分支)



替代 1: git 抓取 git 检出测试, 这是最简单的方法 。 替代 2: git 抓取 git 检出测试相同, 但分为两步 。



替代 1: git 抓取 git 检出测试, 这是最简单的方法 。 替代 2: git 抓取 git 检出测试相同, 但分为两步 。

请遵循命令创建空文件夹。 请输入并使用此命令 :

saifurs-Mini:YO-iOS saifurrahman$ git clone your_project_url
Cloning into 'iPhoneV1'...
remote: Counting objects: 34230, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (24028/24028), done.
remote: Total 34230 (delta 22212), reused 15340 (delta 9324)
Receiving objects: 100% (34230/34230), 202.53 MiB | 294.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (22212/22212), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
saifurs-Mini:YO-iOS saifurrahman$ cd iPhoneV1/
saifurs-Mini:iPhoneV1 saifurrahman$ git checkout 1_4_0_content_discovery
Branch 1_4_0_content_discovery set up to track remote branch 1_4_0_content_discovery from origin.
Switched to a new branch '1_4_0_content_discovery'

这将为未命名的远程来源( 文档) 提供宽度 :

$ git checkout -t remote_name/remote_branch


$ git remote add remote_name location_of_remote
$ git fetch remote_name

第一次告诉遥控器的存在, 第二次得到承诺。


git 获取来源 #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出出

i 使用了这一个:

git clean -fxd                         # removes untracked (new added plus ignored files)

git fetch
git checkout {branchname}

git reset --hard origin/{branchname}   # removes staged and working directory changes