我如何将我最近的承诺转移到一个新的分支机构,并在这些承诺完成之前重新定义主? 例如:

master A - B - C - D - E


newbranch     C - D - E
master A - B 



A--B--C  (branch-foo)
 \    ^-- I wanted them here!
   D--E--F--G  (branch-bar)
      ^--^--^-- Opps wrong branch!

While on branch-bar:
$ git reset --hard D # remember the SHAs for E, F, G (or E and G for a range)

A--B--C  (branch-foo)
   D-(E--F--G) detached
   ^-- (branch-bar)

Switch to branch-foo
$ git cherry-pick E..G

A--B--C--E'--F'--G' (branch-foo)
 \   E--F--G detached (This can be ignored)
  \ /
   D--H--I (branch-bar)

Now you won't need to worry about the detached branch because it is basically
like they are in the trash can waiting for the day it gets garbage collected.
Eventually some time in the far future it will look like:

A--B--C--E'--F'--G'--L--M--N--... (branch-foo)
   D--H--I--J--K--.... (branch-bar)




git branch -t newbranch
git reset --hard HEAD~3
git checkout newbranch

git reset --keep HEAD~3
git checkout -t -b newbranch
git cherry-pick ..HEAD@{2}

首先,它放弃了3个最新的承诺( - 保持像 - 硬,但更安全,因为它失败,而不是扔掉未承诺的变化)。 然后它放弃了新分支. 然后它将这些3个承诺返回新分支. 因为它们不再被一个分支提到,它这样做,使用 git 的回归: HEAD@{2} 是 HEAD 使用的承诺提到 2 个操作之前,即在我们 1 检查之前。

# newbranch will omit the 3 most recent commits.
git checkout -b newbranch HEAD~3
git branch --set-upstream-to=oldbranch
# Cherry-picks the extra commits from oldbranch.
git cherry-pick ..oldbranch
# Discards the 3 most recent commits from oldbranch.
git branch --force oldbranch oldbranch~3


假设你分离起源 / 主,当它包含的承诺M1,M2,M3,然后做三个承诺自己:

M1--M2--M3  <-- origin/master
          T1--T2--T3  <-- topic


M1--M3'  <-- origin/master
  M2--M3--T1--T2--T3  <-- topic

M1--M3'  <-- origin/master
      T1'--T2'--T3'  <-- topic (rebased)


git branch -t newbranch
git reset --hard HEAD~3
git checkout newbranch




(重定向自Commit Hash)


1) git checkout master

2) git branch <feature branch> master

3) git reset --hard <commit hash>

4) git push -f origin master


A--B--C  (branch-foo)
 \    ^-- I wanted them here!
   D--E--F--G  (branch-bar)
      ^--^--^-- Opps wrong branch!

While on branch-bar:
$ git reset --hard D # remember the SHAs for E, F, G (or E and G for a range)

A--B--C  (branch-foo)
   D-(E--F--G) detached
   ^-- (branch-bar)

Switch to branch-foo
$ git cherry-pick E..G

A--B--C--E'--F'--G' (branch-foo)
 \   E--F--G detached (This can be ignored)
  \ /
   D--H--I (branch-bar)

Now you won't need to worry about the detached branch because it is basically
like they are in the trash can waiting for the day it gets garbage collected.
Eventually some time in the far future it will look like:

A--B--C--E'--F'--G'--L--M--N--... (branch-foo)
   D--H--I--J--K--.... (branch-bar)

1) 创建一个新的分支,将所有更改转移到 new_branch。

git checkout -b new_branch


git checkout master


git rebase -i <short-hash-of-B-commit>

4) 然后打开的编辑器包含最后3个承诺信息。

pick <C's hash> C
pick <D's hash> D
pick <E's hash> E

5) 更改选项下载所有这些 3 任务. 然后保存并关闭编辑器。

drop <C's hash> C
drop <D's hash> D
drop <E's hash> E

6) 现在最后3个命令从当前分支(主)中移除。 现在强烈推分支,在分支名称之前 + 标志。

git push origin +master


git checkout master
git revert <commitID(s)>
git checkout -b new-branch
git cherry-pick <commitID(s)>
