
不幸的是,同一浏览器不允许我测试HTTP PUT、DELETE,甚至在某种程度上也不允许我测试HTTP POST。


http://www.packetizer.com/ws/rest.html http://www.mail-archive.com/jmeter-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg13518.html http://www.xml.com/cs/user/view/cs_msg/1098



不。HTML 5规范中提到:

The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states: The keyword get, mapping to the state GET, indicating the HTTP GET method. The GET method should only request and retrieve data and should have no other effect. The keyword post, mapping to the state POST, indicating the HTTP POST method. The POST method requests that the server accept the submitted form's data to be processed, which may result in an item being added to a database, the creation of a new web page resource, the updating of the existing page, or all of the mentioned outcomes. The keyword dialog, mapping to the state dialog, indicating that submitting the form is intended to close the dialog box in which the form finds itself, if any, and otherwise not submit. The invalid value default for these attributes is the GET state


然而,GET, POST, PUT和DELETE在所有主要的web浏览器(IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera)中都支持XMLHttpRequest的实现(即AJAX调用)。


YES, PUT, DELETE, HEAD等HTTP方法在所有现代浏览器中都可用。

为了与XMLHttpRequest兼容,2级浏览器必须支持这些方法。要检查哪些浏览器支持XMLHttpRequest Level 2,我建议CanIUse:


只有Opera Mini缺乏支持atm (juli '15),但Opera Mini缺乏对一切的支持。:)

不。HTML 5规范中提到:

The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states: The keyword get, mapping to the state GET, indicating the HTTP GET method. The GET method should only request and retrieve data and should have no other effect. The keyword post, mapping to the state POST, indicating the HTTP POST method. The POST method requests that the server accept the submitted form's data to be processed, which may result in an item being added to a database, the creation of a new web page resource, the updating of the existing page, or all of the mentioned outcomes. The keyword dialog, mapping to the state dialog, indicating that submitting the form is intended to close the dialog box in which the form finds itself, if any, and otherwise not submit. The invalid value default for these attributes is the GET state


然而,GET, POST, PUT和DELETE在所有主要的web浏览器(IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera)中都支持XMLHttpRequest的实现(即AJAX调用)。



Fetch API还支持除CONNECT、TRACE和TRACK之外的任何方法,这些方法出于安全原因被禁止。


只是补充一点——Safari 2和更早的版本肯定不支持PUT和DELETE。我的印象是3,但我再也没有它来测试了。Safari 4确实支持PUT和DELETE。


根据维基百科的说法,XMLHttpRequest最初是作为一个ActiveX对象出现在Internet Explorer 5中,但后来成为了一个标准,并在Mozilla家族的1.0、Apple Safari 1.2、Opera 7.60-p1和IE 7.0中被包含在JavaScript中使用。

对象上的open()方法以HTTP方法作为参数-并指定为接受任何有效的HTTP方法(参见链接的第5项)-包括GET, POST, HEAD, PUT和DELETE,如RFC 2616所指定的。