我一直想安装ffmpeg作为我的PHP设置的扩展。在安装它之前,我需要phpize它。我通过sudo apt-get install php5-dev安装了php5-dev。但现在当我运行phpize时,我得到以下错误:

Cannot find config.m4. 
Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module



sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool m4





对于安装了Plesk的ubuntu运行apt-get install Plesk -php5 -dev,对于其他版本只需在phpXX中修改XX(不带点)


对于安装了Plesk的ubuntu运行apt-get install Plesk -php5 -dev,对于其他版本只需在phpXX中修改XX(不带点)


对于最新版本的Debian/Ubuntu (Debian 9+或Ubuntu 16.04+),安装php-dev依赖包,它将自动为您的发行版安装正确版本的php{x}-dev:

sudo apt install php-dev


对于PHP 5,它在php5-dev包中。

sudo apt-get install php5-dev

对于PHP 7。X(来自rahilwazir的评论):

sudo apt-get install php7.x-dev

RHEL / CentOS /百胜

yum install php-devel # see comments

在Ubuntu 16.04中,可以通过命令安装phpize

aptitude install php7.1-dev // for php 7.1


apt-get install php7.1-dev // for php 7.1

你没有说明你使用的是什么操作系统,90%的答案假设是Ubuntu/Debian Linux,因为你发布了apt-get install autoconf automake libtool m4命令(超过一半的人预计你会运行CPanel),所以我给你一个稍微更通用的解决方案,它应该可以在任何Un*x克隆(包括微软的WSL!)


A working C/C++ compiler — GCC or clang being the most popular options these days. A 'developer edition' of PHP, which some package managers call 'development headers'. In the case of aptitude, as shown on the other answers, you ought to be fine with just sudo apt install php-dev. Beware of the mentioned caveats: you might end up with a slightly more unstable version of PHP which might not be updated correctly with future versions. These days (that's late 2021 for me!), for those running Ubuntu, and wishing to seriously tinker with PHP, the recommendation is to use Ondřej Surý's personal package archive for PHP. Ondřej keeps his PPA always up to date, sometimes within a few hours after release; he keeps up with the latest four Ubuntu distributions and all the currently supported PHP versions that haven't reached end-of-life status yet (sorry, PHP5 is considered completely obsolete and plagued with unpatched bugs and security issues, so it's not supported — for very good reasons!); and he provides a lot of PHP extensions, too. Sadly, ffmpeg-php is not one of them... There is a good reason for the overall lack of support of ffmpeg-php. Allegedly, the original repository for that was hosted at Sourceforge but has been abandoned in 2007. The recommended package these days is PHP-FFMpeg which is constantly being updated, and ought to be easily installed using composer — get it before starting your compilation!

Alternatively, instead of relying on an external non-official PHP extension (albeit one that is both popular and updated regularly!), you ought to launch the ffmpeg binary using shell_exec(). This is the officially recommended approach, mostly because converting videos always takes a long time, and the authors of that recommendation suggest a simple architecture where the PHP script basically launches ffmpeg in the background, accepting batches of videos for processing. The page is a bit old, but the technique shown is sound.