


HashMap<String, String> getItems(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session) {
  HashMap<String, String> theHash = (HashMap<String, String>)session.getAttribute("attributeKey");
  return theHash;



HashMap getItems(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session) {
  HashMap theHash = (HashMap)session.getAttribute("attributeKey");
  return theHash;


HashMap items = getItems(session);
items.put("this", "that");

Type safety: The method put(Object, Object) belongs to the raw type HashMap.  References to generic type HashMap<K,V> should be parameterized.



public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> toHashMap(Object input, Class<K> key, Class<V> value) {
       assert input instanceof Map : input;

       for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : ((HashMap<?, ?>) input).entrySet()) {
           assert key.isAssignableFrom(e.getKey().getClass()) : "Map contains invalid keys";
           assert value.isAssignableFrom(e.getValue().getClass()) : "Map contains invalid values";

       if (input instanceof HashMap)
           return (HashMap<K, V>) input;
       return new HashMap<K, V>((Map<K, V>) input);



public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> toHashMap(Object input, Class<K> key, Class<V> value) {
       assert input instanceof Map : input;

       for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : ((HashMap<?, ?>) input).entrySet()) {
           assert key.isAssignableFrom(e.getKey().getClass()) : "Map contains invalid keys";
           assert value.isAssignableFrom(e.getValue().getClass()) : "Map contains invalid values";

       if (input instanceof HashMap)
           return (HashMap<K, V>) input;
       return new HashMap<K, V>((Map<K, V>) input);

的对象。Esko Luontola上面回答的未检查的实用函数是避免程序混乱的好方法。

如果您不希望在整个方法上使用SuppressWarnings, Java会强制您将其放在本地方法上。如果你需要对一个成员进行强制转换,可能会导致这样的代码:

Vector<String> watchedSymbolsClone = (Vector<String>) watchedSymbols.clone();
this.watchedSymbols = watchedSymbolsClone;


this.watchedSymbols = Objects.uncheckedCast(watchedSymbols.clone());

注意: 我觉得有必要补充一下,有时候警告真的意味着你做错了什么,比如:

ArrayList<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Object intListObject = intList; 

 // this line gives an unchecked warning - but no runtime error
ArrayList<String> stringList  = (ArrayList<String>) intListObject;
System.out.println(stringList.get(0)); // cast exception will be given here


在Android Studio中,如果你想禁用检查,你可以使用:

//noinspection unchecked
Map<String, String> myMap = (Map<String, String>) deserializeMap();


public class Objects {

     * Helps to avoid using {@code @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})} when casting to a generic type.
    public static <T> T uncheckedCast(Object obj) {
        return (T) obj;


import static Objects.uncheckedCast;

HashMap<String, String> getItems(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session) {
      return uncheckedCast(session.getAttribute("attributeKey"));


Two ways, one which avoids the tag completely, the other using a naughty but nice utility method. The problem is pre-genericised Collections... I believe the rule of thumb is: "cast objects one thing at a time" - what this means when trying to use raw classes in a genericised world is that because you don't know what is in this Map<?, ?> (and indeed the JVM might even find that it isn't even a Map!), it obvious when you think about it that you can't cast it. If you had a Map<String, ?> map2 then HashSet<String> keys = (HashSet<String>)map2.keySet() does not give you a warning, despite this being an "act of faith" for the compiler (because it might turn out to be a TreeSet)... but it is only a single act of faith. PS to the objection that iterating as in my first way "is boring" and "takes time", the answer is "no pain no gain": a genericised collection is guaranteed to contain Map.Entry<String, String>s, and nothing else. You have to pay for this guarantee. When using generics systematically this payment, beautifully, takes the form of coding compliance, not machine time! One school of thought might say that you should set Eclipse's settings to make such unchecked casts errors, rather than warnings. In that case you would have to use my first way.

package scratchpad;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

public class YellowMouse {

    // First way

    Map<String, String> getHashMapStudiouslyAvoidingSuppressTag(HttpSession session) {
      Map<?, ?> theHash = (Map<?, ?>)session.getAttribute("attributeKey");

      Map<String, String> yellowMouse = new HashMap<String, String>();
      for( Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : theHash.entrySet() ){
        yellowMouse.put( (String)entry.getKey(), (String)entry.getValue() );

      return yellowMouse;

    // Second way

    Map<String, String> getHashMapUsingNaughtyButNiceUtilityMethod(HttpSession session) {
      return uncheckedCast( session.getAttribute("attributeKey") );

    // NB this is a utility method which should be kept in your utility library. If you do that it will
    // be the *only* time in your entire life that you will have to use this particular tag!!

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public static synchronized <T> T uncheckedCast(Object obj) {
        return (T) obj;
