对于那些使用nginx并且即使文件<?PHP echo 123;在我的情况下,我在nginx配置文件中没有这个必要的PHP选项:
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); //On or Off
使用@inexistent_function_call ();将导致解释器安静地停止并中止脚本解析。您应该检查无效的函数,并尽量不要使用错误抑制操作符(@ char)
ini_set() / php.ini / .htaccess / .user.ini The settings display_errors and error_reporting have been covered sufficiently now. But just to recap when to use which option: ini_set() and error_reporting() apply for runtime errors only. php.ini should primarily be edited for development setups. (Webserver and CLI version often have different php.ini's) .htaccess flags only work for dated setups (Find a new hoster! Well managed servers are cheaper.) .user.ini are partial php.ini's for modern setups (FCGI/FPM) And as crude alternative for runtime errors you can often use: set_error_handler("var_dump"); // ignores error_reporting and `@` suppression error_get_last() Can be used to retrieve the last runtime notice/warning/error, when error_display is disabled. $php_errormsg Is a superlocal variable, which also contains the last PHP runtime message. isset() begone! I know this will displease a lot of folks, but isset and empty should not be used by newcomers. You can add the notice suppression after you verified your code is working. But never before. A lot of the "something doesn't work" questions we get lately are the result of typos like: if(isset($_POST['sumbit'])) # ↑↑ You won't get any useful notices if your code is littered with isset/empty/array_keys_exists. It's sometimes more sensible to use @, so notices and warnings go to the logs at least. assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE|ASSERT_WARNING); To get warnings for assert() sections. (Pretty uncommon, but more proficient code might contain some.) PHP7 requires zend.assertions=1 in the php.ini as well. declare(strict_types=1); Bending PHP into a strictly typed language is not going to fix a whole lot of logic errors, but it's definitely an option for debugging purposes. PDO / MySQLi And @Phil already mentioned PDO/MySQLi error reporting options. Similar options exist for other database APIs of course. json_last_error() + json_last_error_msg For JSON parsing. preg_last_error() For regexen. CURLOPT_VERBOSE To debug curl requests, you need CURLOPT_VERBOSE at the very least. shell/exec() Likewise will shell command execution not yield errors on its own. You always need 2>&1 and peek at the $errno.
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);