I know that similar questions have been asked before, but my problem is new only after installing Android Studio 2.3, the latest version in March 2017. I have several years experience developing Android applications, and I have never encountered this problem before. After upgrading to version 2.3 of Android Studio, my emulator is no longer able to access the internet. I even uninstalled/reinstalled Android Studio 2.3 from scratch and created a new emulator, and I am still getting the same error. This is not an app problem. I can't even access the internet from Chrome, and I wasn't having this problem last week. The message that I get says that the server DNS address could not be found -- DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG. The only thing that has changed on my computer in the last week is the new version of Android plus possibly updates to Windows 10. And yes, my computer has access to the internet. Below is an image of my emulator when I try to use Chrome to search for "Google".
正如@osama buzdar所指出的,模拟器首先查看的DNS设置可能在/etc/resolv.conf中指定。在我的情况下,macOS Catalina 10.15.7,该文件中有2个地址:第一个是IPv6,第二个是IPv4,由于某种原因,模拟器可能在IPv6上有问题。
然后我编辑文件(sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf),并将IPv4移到文件的第一个条目,在IPv6之前。重新启动模拟器,它工作了。
我在Windows 10上也遇到了同样的问题。我刚刚进入网络和互联网设置>更改适配器选项>右键单击Wi-Fi并选择属性>在列表中选择internet协议版本4并单击属性>打开“使用以下DNS服务器地址”并填写第一部分“”地址。 问题解决了!
苹果MacBook M1
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