

此版本的寻呼机最适合在有少量 通常需要分页更多的静态片段,例如一组 选项卡。用户访问的每个页面的片段将被保留 内存,尽管它的视图层次结构可能在不可见时被破坏。 这可能导致使用大量的内存,因为片段 实例可以保留任意数量的状态。对于较大的电视机 ,考虑FragmentStatePagerAdapter。


这个版本的寻呼机在有大量数据时更有用 页面,工作起来更像一个列表视图。当页面不可见时 对用户来说,他们的整个碎片可能被销毁,只保留了 该片段的保存状态。这使得寻呼机可以保留很多信息 与。相比,与每个访问页面关联的内存更少 FragmentPagerAdapter以潜在的更多开销为代价 在页面之间切换。







The FragmentPagerAdapter stores the fragments in memory as long as the user can navigate between them. When a fragment is not visible, the PagerAdapter will detach it, but not destroy it, so the fragment instance remains alive in the FragmentManager. It will release it from memory only when the Activity shuts down. This can make the transition between pages fast and smooth, but it could cause memory issues in your app if you need many fragments. The FragmentStatePagerAdapter makes sure to destroy all the fragments the user does not see and only keep their saved states in the FragmentManager, hence the name. When the user navigates back to a fragment, it will restore it using the saved state. This PagerAdapter requires much less memory, but the process of switching between pages can be slower.



使用FragmentStatePagerAdapter,您不需要的片段是 摧毁。事务提交时完全删除 fragment从你的活动的FragmentManager。 FragmentStatePagerAdapter中的状态来自于它 将从savedInstanceState保存你的片段的Bundle什么时候 它被摧毁了。当用户导航回来时,新的片段将是 使用片段的状态恢复。


相比之下,FragmentPagerAdapter什么也不做。当 不再需要这个片段。FragmentPagerAdapter调用 detach(Fragment)而不是remove(Fragment)。 这个destroy是片段的视图,但留下了片段的实例 在FragmentManager中存活。创建的片段 FragmentPagerAdapter永远不会被销毁。




The FragmentPagerAdapter stores the fragments in memory as long as the user can navigate between them. When a fragment is not visible, the PagerAdapter will detach it, but not destroy it, so the fragment instance remains alive in the FragmentManager. It will release it from memory only when the Activity shuts down. This can make the transition between pages fast and smooth, but it could cause memory issues in your app if you need many fragments. The FragmentStatePagerAdapter makes sure to destroy all the fragments the user does not see and only keep their saved states in the FragmentManager, hence the name. When the user navigates back to a fragment, it will restore it using the saved state. This PagerAdapter requires much less memory, but the process of switching between pages can be slower.

Like the docs say, think about it this way. If you were to do an application like a book reader, you will not want to load all the fragments into memory at once. You would like to load and destroy Fragments as the user reads. In this case you will use FragmentStatePagerAdapter. If you are just displaying 3 "tabs" that do not contain a lot of heavy data (like Bitmaps), then FragmentPagerAdapter might suit you well. Also, keep in mind that ViewPager by default will load 3 fragments into memory. The first Adapter you mention might destroy View hierarchy and re load it when needed, the second Adapter only saves the state of the Fragment and completely destroys it, if the user then comes back to that page, the state is retrieved.

FragmentStatePagerAdapter =在ViewPager中容纳大量的片段。当片段对用户不可见时,这个适配器会销毁它,并且只保留片段的savedInstanceState以供进一步使用。在动态片段的情况下,这样可以使用较少的内存并提供更好的性能。