


开始新的t1。microec2实例,使用新的密钥对。确保在相同的子网中创建它,否则将不得不终止实例并重新创建它。 SSH到新的微实例,复制~/的内容。Ssh /authorized_keys在计算机的某处。 用旧的ssh密钥登录主实例。 从点2复制并替换文件内容到~/.ssh/authorized_keys 现在您只需使用新密钥即可再次登录。旧钥匙不能用了。



来自AWS EC2支持的指令:

Change pem login go to your EC2 Console Under NETWORK & SECURITY, click on Key Pair Click on Create Key Pair Give your new key pair a name, save the .pem file. The name of the key pair will be used to connect to your instance Create SSH connection to your instance and keep it open in PuttyGen, click "Load" to load your .pem file Keep the SSH-2 RSA radio button checked. Click on "Save private key" You'll get pop-up window warning, click "Yes” click on "Save public key" as well, so to generate the public key. This is the public key that we're going to copy across to your current instance Save the public key with the new key pair name and with the extension .pub Open the public key content in a notepad copy the content below "Comment: "imported-openssh-key" and before "---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- Note - you need to copy the content as one line - delete all new lines on your connected instance, open your authorized_keys file using the tool vi. Run the following command: vi .ssh/authorized_keys you should see the original public key in the file also move your cursor on the file to the end of your first public key content :type "i" for insert on the new line, type "ssh-rsa" and add a space before you paste the content of the public key , space, and the name of the .pem file (without the .pem) Note - you should get a line with the same format as the previous line press the Esc key, and then type :wq!



当您确认能够使用新的密钥对SSH进入实例时,您可以vi . SSH /authorized_key并删除旧的密钥。



“authorized_keys”中的“SSH Public Key”不需要旋转根设备,也不需要修改。为此,可以利用userdata将ssh密钥添加到任何实例。为此,首先需要使用AWS控制台或ssh-keygen创建一个新的KeyPair。

ssh-keygen -f YOURKEY.pem -y

这将为您的新SSH KeyPair生成公钥,复制此公钥并在下面的脚本中使用它。

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- [scripts-user, always]

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/bin/echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6xigPPA/BAjDPJFflqNuJt5QY5IBeBwkVoow/uBJ8Rorke/GT4KMHJ3Ap2HjsvjYrkQaKANFDfqrizCmb5PfAovUjojvU1M8jYcjkwPG6hIcAXrD5yXdNcZkE7hGK4qf2BRY57E3s25Ay3zKjvdMaTplbJ4yfM0UAccmhKw/SmH0osFhkvQp/wVDzo0PyLErnuLQ5UoMAIYI6TUpOjmTOX9OI/k/zUHOKjHNJ1cFBdpnLTLdsUbvIJbmJ6oxjSrOSTuc5mk7M8HHOJQ9JITGb5LvJgJ9Bcd8gayTXo58BukbkwAX7WsqCmac4OXMNoMOpZ1Cj6BVOOjhluOgYZbLr" >> /home/hardeep/.ssh/authorized_keys

重新启动后,计算机将拥有指定的SSH发布密钥。 请在第一次重启后删除用户数据。阅读更多关于启动时的用户数据。

替代解决方案。如果你有唯一的访问服务器。在这种情况下,不要从AWS控制台删除pem文件。只需删除pem访问密钥从sudo纳米~/。Ssh / authized_keys,并添加系统公共Ssh密钥。现在您可以访问ssh user@i.p




以下是我所做的,感谢Eric Hammond的博客文章:

停止正在运行的EC2实例 分离它的/dev/xvda1卷(我们称它为卷A)—请参见这里 开始新的t1。microec2实例,使用我的新密钥对。确保在相同的子网中创建它,否则将不得不终止实例并重新创建它。-请看这里 将卷A挂载到新的微实例,如/dev/xvdf(或/dev/sdf) SSH到新的微实例,将卷A挂载到/mnt/tmp

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp; sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/tmp

~ /副本。Ssh /authorized_keys到/mnt/tmp/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys 注销 终止微实例 从它分离卷A 将卷A挂回主实例为/dev/xvda 启动主实例 像以前一样登录,使用新的.pem文件



连接到服务器2,从~/.ssh/authorized_keys中复制ssh密钥 在另一个终端上连接服务器1,并将密钥粘贴到~/.ssh/authorized_keys中。现在您将有两个公共ssh密钥 现在,为了增强自信心,尝试使用2.pem连接服务器1。您将能够将服务器1与这两个1连接。Pem和2.pem 现在,注释1。Pem SSH,使用SSH -i连接。pem user@server1