


def get_all_filepaths(root_path, ext):
    Search all files which have a given extension within root_path.

    This ignores the case of the extension and searches subdirectories, too.

    root_path : str
    ext : str

    list of str

    >>> get_all_filepaths('/run', '.lock')
    import os
    all_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
        for filename in files:
            if filename.lower().endswith(ext):
                all_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
    return all_files


def get_all_filepaths(root_path, ext):
    import os
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
        for filename in files:
            if filename.lower().endswith(ext):
                yield os.path.join(root, filename)


import os
import sys 

if len(sys.argv)==2:
    print('no params')

dir = sys.argv[1]
mask= sys.argv[2]

files = os.listdir(dir); 

res = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(mask), files); 

print res


>>> import os
>>> path = '/usr/share/cups/charmaps'
>>> text_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.txt')]
>>> text_files
['euc-cn.txt', 'euc-jp.txt', 'euc-kr.txt', 'euc-tw.txt', ... 'windows-950.txt']

Python v3.5 +



import os
import re
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def findFilesInFolderYield(path,  extension, containsTxt='', subFolders = True, excludeText = ''):
    """  Recursive function to find all files of an extension type in a folder (and optionally in all subfolders too)

    path:               Base directory to find files
    extension:          File extension to find.  e.g. 'txt'.  Regular expression. Or  'ls\d' to match ls1, ls2, ls3 etc
    containsTxt:        List of Strings, only finds file if it contains this text.  Ignore if '' (or blank)
    subFolders:         Bool.  If True, find files in all subfolders under path. If False, only searches files in the specified folder
    excludeText:        Text string.  Ignore if ''. Will exclude if text string is in path.
    if type(containsTxt) == str: # if a string and not in a list
        containsTxt = [containsTxt]
    myregexobj = re.compile('\.' + extension + '$')    # Makes sure the file extension is at the end and is preceded by a .
    try:   # Trapping a OSError or FileNotFoundError:  File permissions problem I believe
        for entry in os.scandir(path):
            if entry.is_file() and myregexobj.search(entry.path): # 
                bools = [True for txt in containsTxt if txt in entry.path and (excludeText == '' or excludeText not in entry.path)]
                if len(bools)== len(containsTxt):
                    yield entry.stat().st_size, entry.stat().st_atime_ns, entry.stat().st_mtime_ns, entry.stat().st_ctime_ns, entry.path
            elif entry.is_dir() and subFolders:   # if its a directory, then repeat process as a nested function
                yield from findFilesInFolderYield(entry.path,  extension, containsTxt, subFolders)
    except OSError as ose:
        print('Cannot access ' + path +'. Probably a permissions error ', ose)
    except FileNotFoundError as fnf:
        print(path +' not found ', fnf)

def findFilesInFolderYieldandGetDf(path,  extension, containsTxt, subFolders = True, excludeText = ''):
    """  Converts returned data from findFilesInFolderYield and creates and Pandas Dataframe.
    Recursive function to find all files of an extension type in a folder (and optionally in all subfolders too)

    path:               Base directory to find files
    extension:          File extension to find.  e.g. 'txt'.  Regular expression. Or  'ls\d' to match ls1, ls2, ls3 etc
    containsTxt:        List of Strings, only finds file if it contains this text.  Ignore if '' (or blank)
    subFolders:         Bool.  If True, find files in all subfolders under path. If False, only searches files in the specified folder
    excludeText:        Text string.  Ignore if ''. Will exclude if text string is in path.
    fileSizes, accessTimes, modificationTimes, creationTimes , paths  = zip(*findFilesInFolderYield(path,  extension, containsTxt, subFolders))
    df = pd.DataFrame({
    df['FLS_File_Modification_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FLS_File_Modification_Date'],infer_datetime_format=True)
    df['FLS_File_Creation_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FLS_File_Creation_Date'],infer_datetime_format=True)
    df['FLS_File_Access_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FLS_File_Access_Date'],infer_datetime_format=True)

    return df

ext =   'txt'  # regular expression 
path = 'C:\myFolder'
df = findFilesInFolderYieldandGetDf(path,  ext, containsTxt, subFolders = True)


from fnmatch import filter
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from os import path, walk

print(*chain(*(map(partial(path.join, root), filter(filenames, "*.txt")) for root, _, filenames in walk("mydir"))))

你可以简单地使用pathlibs glob 1:

import pathlib



for txt_file in pathlib.Path('your_directory').glob('*.txt'):
    # do something with "txt_file"


1 pathlib模块被包含在python 3.4的标准库中。但是你甚至可以在旧的Python版本(即使用conda或pip)上安装该模块的反向端口:pathlib和pathlib2。