
ImageMagick有一些可伸缩性问题,而且基于JNI的JMagick也没有吸引力。 与ImageMagick相比,在进行调整大小操作时,JAI的结果质量较差。



I cannot say that it is the "best" library, but I think you can try this: http://algart.net/java/AlgART/ It is an open-source Java library, supporting generalized "smart" arrays and matrices with elements of different types (from 1 bit to 64-bit floating point), including 2D-, 3D- and multidimensional image processing and other algorithms, working with arrays and matrices. Unfortunately right now it consists not enough demo and examples, but, on the other hand, it contains a lot of JavaDocs. It lay in the base of commercial software (SIMAGIS) during several years, but now it is open-source.


I cannot say that it is the "best" library, but I think you can try this: http://algart.net/java/AlgART/ It is an open-source Java library, supporting generalized "smart" arrays and matrices with elements of different types (from 1 bit to 64-bit floating point), including 2D-, 3D- and multidimensional image processing and other algorithms, working with arrays and matrices. Unfortunately right now it consists not enough demo and examples, but, on the other hand, it contains a lot of JavaDocs. It lay in the base of commercial software (SIMAGIS) during several years, but now it is open-source.



我使用它们的经验有些过时,但我发现它们的Java Imaging API比JAI更容易使用,速度也快得多。




我不懂Java,但OpenCV很适合我的需求。不确定是否适合你的。这是一个Java端口,我认为: http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/introduction/desktop_java/java_dev_intro.html