
generator.send(值) 恢复执行并向生成器函数“发送”一个值。value参数变成当前yield表达式的结果。send()方法返回生成器产生的下一个值,如果生成器退出而没有产生另一个值,则引发StopIteration。






记住执行的内部状态 我们走到哪一步了 我们数据的当前状态是什么 返回值序列 接收输入序列





create a watched_attempt instance from the recipe let it get some inputs with each input return information about what is currently in the pot with each input check, that the input is the expected one (and fail if it is not) def recipe(): pot = [] action = yield pot assert action == ("add", "water") pot.append(action[1]) action = yield pot assert action == ("add", "salt") pot.append(action[1]) action = yield pot assert action == ("boil", "water") action = yield pot assert action == ("add", "pasta") pot.append(action[1]) action = yield pot assert action == ("decant", "water") pot.remove("water") action = yield pot assert action == ("serve") pot = [] yield pot


>>> watched_attempt = recipe()                                                                         
>>> watched_attempt.next()                                                                                     




>>> watched_attempt.send(("add", "water"))                                                                     
>>> watched_attempt.send(("add", "salt"))                                                                      
['water', 'salt']                                                                                      
>>> watched_attempt.send(("boil", "water"))                                                                    
['water', 'salt']                                                                                      
>>> watched_attempt.send(("add", "pasta"))                                                                     
['water', 'salt', 'pasta']                                                                             
>>> watched_attempt.send(("decant", "water"))                                                                  
['salt', 'pasta']                                                                                      
>>> watched_attempt.send(("serve"))                                                                            


万一,一个人不遵循配方,它会失败(什么可能是期望的结果观看 试着做点东西——刚知道我们在接到指示时没有足够注意。

>>> watched_attempt = running.recipe()                                                                         
>>> watched_attempt.next()                                                                                     
>>> watched_attempt.send(("add", "water"))                                                                     
>>> watched_attempt.send(("add", "pasta")) 

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-facdf014fe8e> in <module>()
----> 1 watched_attempt.send(("add", "pasta"))

/home/javl/sandbox/stack/send/running.py in recipe()
     30     action = yield pot
---> 31     assert action == ("add", "salt")
     32     pot.append(action[1])



预期的步骤有一个线性序列 步骤可能会有所不同(有些是移除,有些是添加到锅中) 我们通过函数/生成器来实现这一切,不需要使用复杂的类或类似的东西 结构。



任何时候我们添加一个数字,输入的计数和总数返回(有效 之前的输入被发送到它的那一刻)。

from collections import namedtuple

RunningTotal = namedtuple("RunningTotal", ["n", "total"])

def runningtotals(n=0, total=0):
    while True:
        delta = yield RunningTotal(n, total)
        if delta:
            n += 1
            total += delta

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nums = [9, 8, None, 3, 4, 2, 1]

    bookeeper = runningtotals()
    print bookeeper.next()
    for num in nums:
        print num, bookeeper.send(num)


RunningTotal(n=0, total=0)
9 RunningTotal(n=1, total=9)
8 RunningTotal(n=2, total=17)
None RunningTotal(n=2, total=17)
3 RunningTotal(n=3, total=20)
4 RunningTotal(n=4, total=24)
2 RunningTotal(n=5, total=26)
1 RunningTotal(n=6, total=27)



def echo_sound():

    thing_to_say = '<Sound of wind on cliffs>'
    while True:
        thing_to_say = (yield thing_to_say)
        thing_to_say = '...'.join([thing_to_say]+[thing_to_say[-6:]]*2)
        yield None  # This is the return value of send.

gen = echo_sound()

print 'You are lost in the wilderness, calling for help.'

print '------'
in_message = gen.next()
print 'You hear: "{}"'.format(in_message)
out_message = 'Hello!'
print 'You yell "{}"'.format(out_message)

print '------'
in_message = gen.next()
print 'You hear: "{}"'.format(in_message)
out_message = 'Is anybody out there?'
print 'You yell "{}"'.format(out_message)

print '------'
in_message = gen.next()
print 'You hear: "{}"'.format(in_message)
out_message = 'Help!'
print 'You yell "{}"'.format(out_message)


You are lost in the wilderness, calling for help.
You hear: "<Sound of wind on cliffs>"
You yell "Hello!"
You hear: "Hello!...Hello!...Hello!"
You yell "Is anybody out there?"
You hear: "Is anybody out there?...there?...there?"
You yell "Help!"


It is easiest to imagine a generator as one end of a bidirectional pipe with a "left" end and a "right" end; this pipe is the medium over which values are sent between the generator itself and the generator function's body. Each end of the pipe has two operations: push, which sends a value and blocks until the other end of the pipe pulls the value, and returns nothing; and pull, which blocks until the other end of the pipe pushes a value, and returns the pushed value. At runtime, execution bounces back and forth between the contexts on either side of the pipe -- each side runs until it sends a value to the other side, at which point it halts, lets the other side run, and waits for a value in return, at which point the other side halts and it resumes. In other words, each end of the pipe runs from the moment it receives a value to the moment it sends a value.

The pipe is functionally symmetric, but -- by convention I'm defining in this answer -- the left end is only available inside the generator function's body and is accessible via the yield keyword, while the right end is the generator and is accessible via the generator's send function. As singular interfaces to their respective ends of the pipe, yield and send do double duty: they each both push and pull values to/from their ends of the pipe, yield pushing rightward and pulling leftward while send does the opposite. This double duty is the crux of the confusion surrounding the semantics of statements like x = yield y. Breaking yield and send down into two explicit push/pull steps will make their semantics much more clear:

Suppose g is the generator. g.send pushes a value leftward through the right end of the pipe. Execution within the context of g pauses, allowing the generator function's body to run. The value pushed by g.send is pulled leftward by yield and received on the left end of the pipe. In x = yield y, x is assigned to the pulled value. Execution continues within the generator function's body until the next line containing yield is reached. yield pushes a value rightward through the left end of the pipe, back up to g.send. In x = yield y, y is pushed rightward through the pipe. Execution within the generator function's body pauses, allowing the outer scope to continue where it left off. g.send resumes and pulls the value and returns it to the user. When g.send is next called, go back to Step 1.

虽然是循环的,但这个过程确实有一个开始:当g.e send(None)——这是next(g)的缩写——第一次被调用时(向第一个send调用传递None以外的东西是非法的)。它可能有一个终点:当在生成器函数体中没有更多的yield语句要达到时。

Do you see what makes the yield statement (or more accurately, generators) so special? Unlike the measly return keyword, yield is able to pass values to its caller and receive values from its caller all without terminating the function it lives in! (Of course, if you do wish to terminate a function -- or a generator -- it's handy to have the return keyword as well.) When a yield statement is encountered, the generator function merely pauses, and then picks back up right where it left off upon being sent another value. And send is just the interface for communicating with the inside of a generator function from outside it.


right_end.push(None) # the first half of g.send; sending None is what starts a generator right_end.pause() left_end.start() initial_value = left_end.pull() if initial_value is not None: raise TypeError("can't send non-None value to a just-started generator") left_end.do_stuff() left_end.push(y) # the first half of yield left_end.pause() right_end.resume() value1 = right_end.pull() # the second half of g.send right_end.do_stuff() right_end.push(value2) # the first half of g.send (again, but with a different value) right_end.pause() left_end.resume() x = left_end.pull() # the second half of yield goto 6

关键的转换是我们将x = yield y和value1 = g.e send(value2)分别分割为两个语句:left_end.push(y)和x = left_end.pull();和value1 = right_end.pull()和right_end.push(value2)。yield关键字有两种特殊情况:x = yield和yield y。它们分别是语法糖,对于x = yield None和_ = yield y #丢弃值。


下面是上面的一个相当长的具体模型。首先,应该首先注意,对于任何生成器g, next(g)完全等价于g.e send(None)。考虑到这一点,我们可以只关注send是如何工作的,只讨论如何使用send来改进生成器。


def f(y):  # This is the "generator function" referenced above
    while True:
        x = yield y
        y = x
g = f(1)
g.send(None)  # yields 1
g.send(2)     # yields 2


def f(y):
    bidirectional_pipe = BidirectionalPipe()
    left_end = bidirectional_pipe.left_end
    right_end = bidirectional_pipe.right_end

    def impl():
        initial_value = left_end.pull()
        if initial_value is not None:
            raise TypeError(
                "can't send non-None value to a just-started generator"

        while True:
            x = left_end.pull()
            y = x

    def send(value):
        return right_end.pull()

    right_end.send = send

    # This isn't real Python; normally, returning exits the function. But
    # pretend that it's possible to return a value from a function and then
    # continue execution -- this is exactly the problem that generators were
    # designed to solve!
    return right_end


We've moved the implementation into a nested function. We've created a bidirectional pipe whose left_end will be accessed by the nested function and whose right_end will be returned and accessed by the outer scope -- right_end is what we know as the generator object. Within the nested function, the very first thing we do is check that left_end.pull() is None, consuming a pushed value in the process. Within the nested function, the statement x = yield y has been replaced by two lines: left_end.push(y) and x = left_end.pull(). We've defined the send function for right_end, which is the counterpart to the two lines we replaced the x = yield y statement with in the previous step.


left_end = bidirectional_pipe.left_end
right_end = bidirectional_pipe.right_end

y = 1  # from g = f(1)

# None pushed by first half of g.send(None)
# The above push blocks, so the outer scope halts and lets `f` run until
# *it* blocks

# Receive the pushed value, None
initial_value = left_end.pull()

if initial_value is not None:  # ok, `g` sent None
    raise TypeError(
        "can't send non-None value to a just-started generator"

# The above line blocks, so `f` pauses and g.send picks up where it left off

# y, aka 1, is pulled by right_end and returned by `g.send(None)`

# Rinse and repeat
# 2 pushed by first half of g.send(2)
# Once again the above blocks, so g.send (the outer scope) halts and `f` resumes

# Receive the pushed value, 2
x = left_end.pull()
y = x  # y == x == 2

# The above line blocks, so `f` pauses and g.send(2) picks up where it left off

# y, aka 2, is pulled by right_end and returned to the outer scope

x = left_end.pull()
# blocks until the next call to g.send




def f1(x):
    while True:
        x = yield x

def f2():  # No parameter
    while True:
        x = yield x


def f1(x):
    # ... set up pipe

    def impl():
        # ... check that initial sent value is None

        while True:
            x = left_end.pull()

    # ... set up right_end

def f2():
    # ... set up pipe

    def impl():
        # ... check that initial sent value is None

        while True:
            x = left_end.pull()

    # ... set up right_end





>>> def double_number(number):
...     while True:
...         number *=2 
...         yield number
>>> c = double_number(4)
>>> c.send(None)
>>> c.next()
>>> c.next()
>>> c.send(8)
>>> c.send(8)
>>> c.send(8)


def double_number(number):
    while True:
        number *= 2
        number = yield number


>>> def double_number(number):
...     while True:
...         number *= 2
...         number = yield number
>>> c = double_number(4)
>>> c.send(None)
>>> c.send(5) #10
>>> c.send(1500) #3000
>>> c.send(3) #6


for x in range(10):
    n = c.send(n)
    print n



>>> def double_inputs():
...     while True:
...         x = yield
...         yield x * 2
>>> gen = double_inputs()
>>> next(gen)       # run up to the first yield
>>> gen.send(10)    # goes into 'x' variable
>>> next(gen)       # run up to the next yield
>>> gen.send(6)     # goes into 'x' again
>>> next(gen)       # run up to the next yield
>>> gen.send(94.3)  # goes into 'x' again



def doStuff():
    result = yield takesTwoSeconds()
    nextResult = yield takesTenSeconds(result * 10)
    defer.returnValue(nextResult / 10)

What happens is that takesTwoSeconds() returns a Deferred, which is a value promising a value will be computed later. Twisted can run the computation in another thread. When the computation is done, it passes it into the deferred, and the value then gets sent back to the doStuff() function. Thus the doStuff() can end up looking more or less like a normal procedural function, except it can be doing all sorts of computations & callbacks etc. The alternative before this functionality would be to do something like:

def doStuff():
    returnDeferred = defer.Deferred()
    def gotNextResult(nextResult):
        returnDeferred.callback(nextResult / 10)
    def gotResult(result):
        takesTenSeconds(result * 10).addCallback(gotNextResult)
    return returnDeferred
