<input id="myInput" onblur="function() { ... }"></input>
<span id="mySpan">Hello World</span>
如果我在输入元素有焦点之后点击span,输入元素将失去它的焦点。该函数如何知道被单击的是mySpan ?
Autocompleter.Base.prototype.onBlur = Autocompleter.Base.prototype.onBlur.wrap(
function(origfunc, ev) {
if ($(this.options.ignoreBlurEventElement)) {
var newTargetElement = (ev.explicitOriginalTarget.nodeType == 3 ? ev.explicitOriginalTarget.parentNode : ev.explicitOriginalTarget);
if (!newTargetElement.descendantOf($(this.options.ignoreBlurEventElement))) {
return origfunc(ev);
This code wraps default onBlur method of Autocompleter and checks if ignoreBlurEventElement parameters is set. if it is set, it checks everytime to see if clicked element is ignoreBlurEventElement or not. If it is, Autocompleter does not cal onBlur, else it calls onBlur. The only problem with this is that it only works in Firefox because explicitOriginalTarget property is Mozilla specific . Now I am trying to find a different way than using explicitOriginalTarget. The solution you have mentioned requires you to add onclick behaviour manually to the element. If I can't manage to solve explicitOriginalTarget issue, I guess I will follow your solution.