

var str = "I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.";
str = str.replace(/cat/gi, "dog");
str = str.replace(/dog/gi, "goat");
str = str.replace(/goat/gi, "cat");

//this produces "I have a cat, a cat, and a cat"
//but I wanted to produce the string "I have a dog, a goat, and a cat".


为此,您可以使用https://www.npmjs.com/package/union-replacer。它基本上是一个字符串。Replace (regexp,…)对等体,它允许在一次传递中发生多次替换,同时保留string.replace(…)的全部功能。





var str = "I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.";

str = str.replace(/cat/gi, "dog");
// now str = "I have a dog, a dog, and a goat."

str = str.replace(/dog/gi, "goat");
// now str = "I have a goat, a goat, and a goat."

str = str.replace(/goat/gi, "cat");
// now str = "I have a cat, a cat, and a cat."


var str = "我有一只猫,一只狗,和一只山羊。"; str = str.split(“猫”)。映射(x =>{返回x.split("dog"))。地图(y = >{返回y.split(“山羊”). join(“猫”);}). join(“山羊”);}). join(“狗”); console.log (str);

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p id="demo">Mr Blue 
has a           blue house and a blue car.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

function myFunction() {
    var str = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML;
    var res = str.replace(/\n| |car/gi, function myFunction(x){

if(x=='\n'){return x='<br>';}
if(x==' '){return x='&nbsp';}
if(x=='car'){return x='BMW'}
else{return x;}//must need


    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res;

String.prototype.replaceSome = function() {
    var replaceWith = Array.prototype.pop.apply(arguments),
        i = 0,
        r = this,
        l = arguments.length;
    for (;i<l;i++) {
        r = r.replace(arguments[i],replaceWith);
    return r;

/* 字符串的replaceSome方法 它需要尽可能多的参数,然后替换所有参数 我们指定的最后一个参数 2013年版权保存:Max Ahmed 这是一个例子:

var string = "[hello i want to 'replace x' with eat]";
var replaced = string.replaceSome("]","[","'replace x' with","");
document.write(string + "<br>" + replaced); // returns hello i want to eat (without brackets)


jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/CPj89/

我修改了本·麦考密克的答案以配合你的新测试用例。 我只是在正则表达式中添加了单词边界:



var str = "我有一只猫,一个catch,和一个cathy."; var mapObj = { 凯茜:“猫”, 猫:“抓”, 抓住:“凯蒂” }; STR = STR .replace(/\b(cathy|cat|catch)\b/gi, function(matched){ 返回mapObj(匹配); }); console.log (str);