我遵循这个线程重写-preferredStatusBarStyle,但它没有被调用。 有什么选项我可以改变来启用它吗?(我在我的项目中使用xib。)


注意,当使用self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;解决方案



如果有人正在使用一个导航控制器,并希望他们所有的导航控制器都有黑色风格,你可以在Swift 3中写一个扩展到UINavigationController,它将应用于所有的导航控制器(而不是一次分配给一个控制器)。

extension UINavigationController {

    override open func viewDidLoad() {

        self.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.black


Swift 4.2及以上版本



Custom UIViewController object is window root view controller Your window root view controller is a UIViewController object and it further adds or removes navigation controller or tabController based on your application flow. This kind of flow is usually used if your app has pre login flow on navigation stack without tabs and post login flow with tabs and possibly every tab further holds navigation controller. TabBarController object is window root view controller This is the flow where window root view controller is tabBarController possibly every tab further holds navigation controller. NavigationController object is window root view controller This is the flow where window root view controller is navigationController. I am not sure if there is any possibility to add tab bar controller or new navigation controller in an existing navigation controller. But if there is such case, we need to pass the status bar style control to the next container. So, I added the same check in UINavigationController extension to find childForStatusBarStyle


extension UITabBarController {
    open override var childForStatusBarStyle: UIViewController? {
        return selectedViewController?.childForStatusBarStyle ?? selectedViewController

extension UINavigationController {
    open override var childForStatusBarStyle: UIViewController? {
        return topViewController?.childForStatusBarStyle ?? topViewController

extension AppRootViewController {
    open override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
        return children.first { $0.childForStatusBarStyle != nil }?.childForStatusBarStyle?.preferredStatusBarStyle ?? .default



In case you present new flow modally, it detaches from the existing status bar style flow. So, suppose you are presenting a NewFlowUIViewController and then add new navigation or tabBar controller to NewFlowUIViewController, then add extension of NewFlowUIViewController as well to manage further view controller's status bar style. In case you set modalPresentationStyle other than fullScreen while presenting modally, you must set modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance to true so that presented view controller must receive status bar appearance control.



presentedViewController.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true


注意,当使用self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;解决方案
