在java.sql实例中使用SQL IN子句的最佳变通方法是什么?由于SQL注入攻击安全问题,不支持多值的PreparedStatement:一个?占位符表示一个值,而不是一个值列表。


SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN (?)

使用preparedStatement。setString(1, "'A', 'B', 'C'");本质上是一种无用的尝试,试图解决使用原因?首先。




public class SqlHelper
    public static final ArrayList<String>platformList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("iOS","Android","Windows","Mac"));

    public static final String testQuery = "select * from devices where platform_nm in (:PLATFORM_NAME)";


public class Test extends NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport
public List<SampleModelClass> runQuery()
    //define rowMapper to insert in object of SampleClass
    final Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    return getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query(SqlHelper.testQuery, map, rowMapper)



public void myQuery(List<String> items, int other) {
  String q4in = generateQsForIn(items.size());
  String sql = "select * from stuff where foo in ( " + q4in + " ) and bar = ?";
  PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
  int i = 1;
  for (String item : items) {
    ps.setString(i++, item);
  ps.setInt(i++, other);
  ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

private String generateQsForIn(int numQs) {
    String items = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
        if (i != 0) items += ", ";
        items += "?";
    return items;




select column from table
where search_column = any (string_to_array('foo,blah,abc', ',')::text[]);


select column from table
where search_column = any (string_to_array($1, ',')::text[]);


select column from table
where search_column like any (string_to_array('foo%,blah%,abc%', ',')::text[]);

Again, no question it's a hack, but it works and allows you to still use pre-compiled prepared statements that take *ahem* discrete parameters, with the accompanying security and (maybe) performance benefits. Is it advisable and actually performant? Naturally, it depends, as you've got string parsing and possibly casting going on before your query even runs. If you're expecting to send three, five, a few dozen values, sure, it's probably fine. A few thousand? Yeah, maybe not so much. YMMV, limitations and exclusions apply, no warranty express or implied.


Sormula支持SQL IN操作符,它允许你提供一个java.util.Collection对象作为参数。它使用?对于集合中的每个元素。参见示例4(示例中的SQL是一个注释,用于澄清Sormula创建但不使用的内容)。


    String inParenthesis = "(?";
    for(int i = 1;i < myList.size();i++) {
      inParenthesis += ", ?";
    inParenthesis += ")";

    try(PreparedStatement statement = SQLite.connection.prepareStatement(
        String.format("UPDATE table SET value='WINNER' WHERE startTime=? AND name=? AND traderIdx=? AND someValue IN %s", inParenthesis))) {
      int x = 1;
      statement.setLong(x++, race.startTime);
      statement.setString(x++, race.name);
      statement.setInt(x++, traderIdx);

      for(String str : race.betFair.winners) {
        statement.setString(x++, str);

      int effected = statement.executeUpdate();


在javaranche Journal上Jeanne Boyarsky的JDBC批处理选择语句条目中,有对各种可用选项及其优缺点的分析。


Prepare SELECT my_column FROM my_table WHERE search_column = ?, execute it for each value and UNION the results client-side. Requires only one prepared statement. Slow and painful. Prepare SELECT my_column FROM my_table WHERE search_column IN (?,?,?) and execute it. Requires one prepared statement per size-of-IN-list. Fast and obvious. Prepare SELECT my_column FROM my_table WHERE search_column = ? ; SELECT my_column FROM my_table WHERE search_column = ? ; ... and execute it. [Or use UNION ALL in place of those semicolons. --ed] Requires one prepared statement per size-of-IN-list. Stupidly slow, strictly worse than WHERE search_column IN (?,?,?), so I don't know why the blogger even suggested it. Use a stored procedure to construct the result set. Prepare N different size-of-IN-list queries; say, with 2, 10, and 50 values. To search for an IN-list with 6 different values, populate the size-10 query so that it looks like SELECT my_column FROM my_table WHERE search_column IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,6,6). Any decent server will optimize out the duplicate values before running the query.


如果您正在使用JDBC4并且服务器支持x = ANY(y),那么最好的选择是使用PreparedStatement。setArray的描述在鲍里斯的回答。



query=SELECT * FROM table t WHERE t.column IN (?)


sql = any( sql, count );


 * Converts a SQL statement containing exactly one IN clause to an IN clause
 * using multiple comma-delimited parameters.
 * @param sql The SQL statement string with one IN clause.
 * @param params The number of parameters the SQL statement requires.
 * @return The SQL statement with (?) replaced with multiple parameter
 * placeholders.
public static String any(String sql, final int params) {
    // Create a comma-delimited list based on the number of parameters.
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
        String.join(", ", Collections.nCopies(possibleValue.size(), "?")));

    // For more than 1 parameter, replace the single parameter with
    // multiple parameter placeholders.
    if (sb.length() > 1) {
        sql = sql.replace("(?)", "(" + sb + ")");

    // Return the modified comma-delimited list of parameters.
    return sql;

对于某些不支持通过JDBC 4规范传递数组的数据库,此方法可以方便地转换缓慢的= ?转换为更快的IN(?)子句条件,然后可以通过调用any方法进行扩展。