This isn't the right way to deal with this, but today is my last day, Ron
just spilled coffee on my desk, and I'm hungry, so this will have to do...
return 12; // 12 is my lucky number
在这里,我们需要创建一个“组文件”,如果一个原始文件有3个变体,后缀为a, b和c。我一直试图追踪一个奇怪的错误,我们得到了不必要的组文件……
(let ((varianta (format nil "~aa" problem))
(variantb (format nil "~ab" problem))
(variantc (format nil "~ac" problem)))
;;if the A and B variants exist, create a group file
;;(why not just check for a? I don't know, this just feels right)
(when (and (probe-file varianta)
(probe-file variantb))
Bug: 1, Gut: 0。
有一次,我问一个同事如何用我们的内部框架做一些事情(忘了具体是什么,一些晦涩的技术调用)。 他说“简单,看这里”,然后在他的编辑器中打开一个。java文件,在几页代码中间给我看了这个注释:
[onload_1;block=begin;when 1=0]
Some of the techinques in this template are rather obscure, just trust me, they need to be there.
OTOH a better sollution would be to create a few seperate templates and pick one in the php-script...
// drunk, fix later
* You may think you know what the following code does.
* But you dont. Trust me.
* Fiddle with it, and youll spend many a sleepless
* night cursing the moment you thought youd be clever
* enough to "optimize" the code below.
* Now close this file and go play with something else.
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- TypeScript注释的语法记录在哪里?
- CSV文件可以有注释吗?
- 什么是自文档化代码?它能取代文档化良好的代码吗?
- 在erb中添加注释的最佳方法
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- 我应该在批处理文件中使用哪种注释风格?
- 如何在Office VBA编辑器中注释和取消注释代码块
- “# noqa”在Python注释中是什么意思?
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- 你遇到过的源代码中最好的注释是什么?
- 在Bash中创建多行注释的方法?
- 如何评论在Vim的配置文件:“。vimrc”?
- 如何为多行命令放一行注释
- 我如何向包添加注释。Json用于NPM安装?