文件应该被命名为带有连字符的东西。js, camelcase .js,还是别的什么?
文件应该被命名为带有连字符的东西。js, camelcase .js,还是别的什么?
Use all lowercase filenames. There are some operating systems that are not case sensitive for filenames and using all lowercase prevents inadvertently using two files that differ only in case that might not work on some operating systems. Don't use spaces in the filename. While this technically can be made to work there are lots of reasons why spaces in filenames can lead to problems. A hyphen is OK for a word separator. If you want to use some sort of separator for multiple words instead of a space or camelcase as in various-scripts.js, a hyphen is a safe and useful and commonly used separator. Think about using version numbers in your filenames. When you want to upgrade your scripts, plan for the effects of browser or CDN caching. The simplest way to use long term caching (for speed and efficiency), but immediate and safe upgrades when you upgrade a JS file is to include a version number in the deployed filename or path (like jQuery does with jquery-1.6.2.js) and then you bump/change that version number whenever you upgrade/change the file. This will guarantee that no page that requests the newer version is ever served the older version from a cache.
product-name + plugin对也可以表示一个命名空间和一个模块。版本和文件类型通常是可选的。
最小化文件 定制用于自定义构建或修改的文件
jquery-1.4.2.min.js jquery.plugin-0.1.js myapp.invoice.js
例如,我有一个使用var knockoutUtilityModule = function(){…}在它自己的名为knockoutUtilityModule.js的文件中,尽管客观上我更喜欢knockout-utility-module.js。
scriptName.js script-name.js script_name.js
Foo.js添加window.foo Foo.bar.js添加window.foo.bar
foo-1.2.1.js foo-1.2.2.js ... foo-2.1.24.js
Use all lowercase filenames. There are some operating systems that are not case sensitive for filenames and using all lowercase prevents inadvertently using two files that differ only in case that might not work on some operating systems. Don't use spaces in the filename. While this technically can be made to work there are lots of reasons why spaces in filenames can lead to problems. A hyphen is OK for a word separator. If you want to use some sort of separator for multiple words instead of a space or camelcase as in various-scripts.js, a hyphen is a safe and useful and commonly used separator. Think about using version numbers in your filenames. When you want to upgrade your scripts, plan for the effects of browser or CDN caching. The simplest way to use long term caching (for speed and efficiency), but immediate and safe upgrades when you upgrade a JS file is to include a version number in the deployed filename or path (like jQuery does with jquery-1.6.2.js) and then you bump/change that version number whenever you upgrade/change the file. This will guarantee that no page that requests the newer version is ever served the older version from a cache.