目标: 允许用户通过Facebook认证进入iOS应用程序,这需要访问我正在运行的受保护的web服务。
假设: 对于那些选择不使用Facebook登录的用户,有一个本地认证(和注册)系统。
假设我们希望为用户提供一种选择,让用户无需为我们的系统创建单独的帐户/凭据就可以登录Facebook。 因为我们支持自己的本地身份验证机制(用户名和密码),所以我们有自己的用户id,并发出一个身份验证令牌,该令牌在初始凭证验证之后用于后续交互。
Client pops the Facebook iOS Login UI User signs in with Facebook credentials and gets access token iOS App passes access token to our server Our server talks to FB graph API using access token to (a) validate the token and (b) get the FB user ID for that access token. e.g. Our server would call https://graph.facebook.com/me/?access_token=XYZ which would return profile info in a JSON object Assuming it's valid, our server extracts the User ID from the JSON object and checks whether the user already has an account. If so, we issue our own auth ticket to client to use for that session. If user doesn't have an account, we create a new one with the Facebook User ID, assign our own unique UserID and issue our auth ticket. Client then passes auth ticket back on subsequent interactions that need authentication.